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  1. C

    If you could pick 2 women...

    Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez.
  2. C

    I can't Believe it!

    i wish him the best ... that's a rough issue...
  3. C

    ** Just to let everyone know, I'm leaving the board (MC) permanently **

    hate to see you go ... but i know we all have reasons to leave a board.
  4. C

    Whats everyones weight and Height?

    5'11 and about 200 ... 10% bf ... about to bulk a little though ...
  5. C

    Predictions for the Arnold Classic?

    jay definitely looked pretty damn good yet again.
  6. C

    girlfriends bday...

    very nice ... cooking always pleases the ladies :)
  7. C

    anyone else notice

    i haven't noticed it :D
  8. C

    girlfriends bday...

    give her a treadmill, she'll love you :D
  9. C

    What gym are you training in...

    University Gym ... nicer than any other gym i've been to ... and people get the fuck out of my way.
  10. C

    Favorite AS

    homemade prop.
  11. C

    dvd playing software?

    definitely powerdvd i've got it if you need it.
  12. C

    Mad has not lost 1pound on keto diet so far.

    467 mg/wk eq and 233 mg/wk primo will suppress the HPTA ... might as well go heavier.
  13. C

    strange pumps from winny

    i got those a lot from dbol.
  14. C

    Playstation 2

    i've played mine once since i bought it. collects dust by the tv. sigh ...
  15. C

    How many IU's of HGH does the average 200+ pound male produce a day?

    usually it's 0.4 to 1 mg per day at age 18-20. from then it's a steady decrease. i don't think there are set values for 25,30.
  16. C

    Pin Size?

    why does everyone use such big needles? i used 25g for everything, even test E and EQ with no problem ... drew up with a 20g and then put a 25 g needle on it.
  17. C

    Heavy Monster Cycle DECA & TEST 1200MG DECA Per Week 600MG Prop per week

    i assume he's taking 100 mg/day 6 days a week ... otherwise he'd be taking 300 mg 2x a week or, 200 mg 3x a week ... taking 200 mg 3x a week would be fine ... considering that he's shooting 12 cc a week total, i know he's breaking that into at least 4-6 shots ...
  18. C

    Pin Size?

    25-27g is what i like for it.
  19. C

    Eurotech GH ...

    oh, and i take half of the dose at 10-12 in the morning, and the rest at 3-5 in the afternoon.