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  1. C

    Eurotech GH ...

    Has anyone had any good results off of the Eurotech GH? I started out using an export kit, and used it at 3.6 iu/day 5 days a week for 7 weeks till it was gone. after that i started my eurotech, and went 4.2 iu/day 5 days a week for 5 weeks. after 12 weeks of running the GH, i hadn't seen any...
  2. C

    Heavy Monster Cycle DECA & TEST 1200MG DECA Per Week 600MG Prop per week

    he shouldn't have deca dick from that. the test should be plenty to keep mr happy working, even with the saturation of the deca. but i think 1200 mg/wk of deca is dangerous, prolactin is a bitch. hope he doesn't start lactating.
  3. C


    i'm glad to hear it man ... i gave up AS as well ... i just decided it isn't something i need to be doing. I've always known it's wrong, but that's not the reason i quit. I just decided for myself that it's not something that's beneficial to my life, and i need to be more concerned about my...
  4. C

    Counterfeit Quality Vet?

    they just changed the packaging, so it looks a little different. even the color of the eq box changed a little.
  5. C

    its the end of the month

    i'd vote for you, even if it were to just spite Ace :)
  6. C

    15week EQ/Primo cycle????

    that's rough, you want to gain 14 lbs of muscle while losing 14 lbs of fat ... at your age you just need a good keto diet with interval cardio in the AM ... Use natural supps that don't suppress the HPTA, you can still achieve great results, of course not as good as AS, but still ... it's worth...
  7. C

    Does EQ supress HPTA a lot???

    it's a hard decision to make ... i'm only 20, and i finally came to the realization that AS just isn't something i want to mess around with ... there's too many risks at a young age. but i don't plan to do anything related to body building except go on spring break.
  8. C

    Does EQ supress HPTA a lot???

    in all honesty, it's going to greatly inhibit the HPTA after 15 weeks of it ... you might as well do an 8-10 week cycle of test if you're looking for the most results.
  9. C

    CK's 5mg var

    his 50 mg var was fake ... contained no oxandralone
  10. C

    Whos gained the most weight in one year?

    i went from 190 to 234 in one year ... but now i'm back down to close to 200 ...
  11. C

    Does any one know anything about Vanadyl Sulfate

    i never really noticed anything from it... i used vanadyl sulfate and chromium regularly, and i never noticed that much from it.
  12. C

    Green Anavar pills?

    have you had them tested? my anavar i got was fake ... not from keli, but elsewhere ... his supplier sells green tabs like that, but they're anadrol, which makes me wonder ...
  13. C

    who has the crappiest car?

    my first car was a 1988 oldsmobile cutlass calais ... it was the 2 door coupe, which was kind of cool ... the only draw back was that it was a strange peach color ... the interior was a deep velvet velour ... i had about 3 wrecks in it, and it sort of had a few dings on it... the passenger...
  14. C

    Green Anavar pills?

    british dispensery are orange.
  15. C

    Roadhouse Steaks

    i think i'm heading for outback tomorrow ... you got me craving steaks :)
  16. C


    add 1 ml to each vial. then 10 units or 0.1 ml is 2.1 iu ... he can do 0.2 ml or 20 units a day to make 4.2 iu/day
  17. C

    fuck that imma stay home for new years!!!!

    i'll be somewhere ... but definately not at home ...
  18. C

    Madchemist's cutting cycle UPDATE!!!!!!!!!

    depot isn't any less liver toxic than oral.
  19. C

    Eutech GH Kits ??

    i'm on my 5th week of it.