repping out 225 on the bench

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I guess manmakers are like the supersquats- Take your 8 rep max and push out 20 over time with deep breaths. That is a killer. I just wrote about that.
I guess I have decent endurance, but I think my max is week as hell for my size.
Choke for me man makers are just 2 sets of 20. With 60% of my max.

Man you did what i do for 10 for 20 so your max has to be pretty good. How big are you?
FB now I am 6'1 240 clean scince august. Started dieting last week, I am going to start a cutting cycle soon and I really want to try and cut up this spring/summer. I never had my Body fat % measured but I guess I am around 15%, I can see abs in the a.m. if I lean back and flex, so I know they are there, lol. I want to really bust them out this year.
never really done it at the beginning of a workout...always at the i guess at the end i have gotten 21 i think....and then it was all down hill on the other to sets.
Harvey Balboner said:
I've never tried, I think I may next week on chest day.

Anyone know why the figure they use is 225? That is something I was always curious about.
maybe to keep it simple 2 -45lb plates
Choke good luck cutting, you gonna run another cycle.

I dont have good abs either, i have the top 4 but got a lil fat role, which sucks.

When do you have ur next fight
I think I was around 15 a while back.... maybe 10 now.... but 20 by the end of this month......wacked and Jacked!!!!!!
I like to rep out with 225 for two consecutive sets at the end of bench day. I can usually hit 20-25 for each set.
FB I have nothing lined up for NHB. Training hard now for the NAGA World Champs (Submision fighting) in March. I want to compete Gi and No Gi. Just waiting on a few things and then I'll start my cutting cycle.
Results are in 225 x 14 this morning. Pretty lame but I rarely bench anymore- incline, flat and decline dumbell presses for me.

I am just full of excuses.
winnie said:
I remember reading that they rep w/ 225 becausue they want to see there total strength and indurance. There is a conversion for how many reps you do and it gives your max bench. I believe they do this to prevent players from trying to lift excessive amounts which might cause them injury.

Then again, many variables come into play like Presser stated.

bro i dont think its possible to have a set convrsion for reps to find out ones max, everyones acid builds up at different rates, it just wouldnt work in my opinion

oh and i just did 75 reps , yeah right,!
oh and i just did 75 reps , yeah right,!
Not bad, your getting there kid, lol
Bro,its funny you mention that, got my ass handed to me last night (Gi submission fighting) by a 6'0 180 lb 20 year old last night. The dude was like rolling with water. I could do nothing to him, he subbed me 3 times in 10 minutes.
Some of these Brazilians spend more time on the matt then I do sleeping.
Very Humbling.
I think you take the number of times you can bench 225 and multiply that times 7 then ad the number of the times you did the weight to that # and it will give you your max bench. ie.

225 X 10 times
7 * 10 = 70 lbs
Max Bench 295 lbs. I think it was in Muscular development or mens health recently. Check it out.. I may be way off though.