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  1. C

    What pinz do you use for GH? Slin?

    usually 29g 1/2" 0.5cc but the 30x5/16" is perfect so long as it's a slin pin.
  2. C

    somaject gh?

    only very high temperatures can denature it. I don't see it being that great if it's left in a fedex truck with over 100 degree temperatures all day.
  3. C

    for the chemists

    boldenone undeclyenate is the EQ you're talking about. plain boldenone is No ester EQ. It's the same as Dbol, just not 17AA
  4. C

    somaject gh?

    all GH should be refridgerated. High heat can break down the GH even if it hasn't been reconstituted.
  5. C

    Who else is going to a game Sat?

    Ole Miss vs. Arkansas State
  6. C


    He always promises that he sent it out today, and it'll get there tomorrow or some shit like that, but it's never the case. it just takes forever....
  7. C

    can juice make you shrink??????????

    don't do heavy squats or shrugs :D
  8. C


    I waited a month on an order before, and i knew it, but he was cutting the prices so much, it was almost worth it. Maybe it's just me, but he was bullshitting other people, but he's always come through for me.
  9. C


    No offense, but you knew that he was slow to begin with after the first order, and continued to use him, so you can't really say anything about him Yes, he's super slow, but he has always come through. BJ33 is the first person i've seen to not get his stuff that he sent money up front for...
  10. C


    I disagree with all of you. He's never scammed me, promptly returns my emails, and always answers my phone calls. I'll see about getting you your stuff BigJim, but i still use him now and he's come through. And i use him for much much more than the normal person ever would....
  11. C

    Liquid Clen for my Girl

    I'd stay away from liquaclen for the women, the ketotifen usually knocks them out and makes them sleep a lot more than it does guys...
  12. C

    Critique my post workout shake

    I do: 16 oz of skim milk 8 oz of cranberry juice 1 scoop whey protein 1 scoop slim fast shake mix 10g creatine 10g glutamine works out to about: 100g carbs 60g protein 10g glutamine 10g creatine
  13. C

    MadCHemist Getting Ripped

    what's your height and bf?
  14. C


    great guy, love my clen...
  15. C

    Worse thing you have been in the head with

    my sister threw a huge log at me, and hit me in the head. i was 11 or so, and the cut was 2 inches long and 1/2" deep... took 2 layers of stitches to fix that one up...
  16. C

    what is the most times u have had sex??

    Well, you might laugh, but this summer i took the nympho out of town for the weekend.... And we made it 14 times the first night, and a total of 26 times for the whole weekend. After a while i was sort of just burnt out on sex..... But hey, i LOVE cialis....
  17. C

    IP Anadrol ??

    well, since the prescribed dose of Anadrol is 15 mg/kg of BW, a 220 lb body builder shouldn't have problems taking 150 mg/day of anadrol, IMO....
  18. C

    how much letrozol @ 1g test wk

    1.25 mg/day is keeping me rock hard, even when i was running dbol....
  19. C

    How do you want to die?

    plane crash into the ocean or into a mountain with just enough time to call my loved one (if i have one) and tell them i'll miss them...