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  1. B

    would you pick EQL Deca OR overseas NORMAS?

    I have used eql enanthate and it was very painful.
  2. B

    Do you all have weeks where you're hungry but your stomach won't let you eat?

    I never have trouble eating. Even if i stuff my face i am hurgy agian if a few hours.
  3. B

    would you pick EQL Deca OR overseas NORMAS?

    Just used EQL deca and liked it. It test at over 400mg and the vial was overfilled. That what i would go with.
  4. B

    How's everyone's prep going?

    Have about anthor month to go before cutting for first show. Trying to get to 210lbs.
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    1 week out before show

    Looking good man. You should do very well.
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    I'd like some advice

    I agree with midwtchamp.
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    I had the least pain in my glutes and thighs with qv prop.
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    If you could change one thing on your body.....

    My chest is my worst bodypart.
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    Our MC mods......

    good to hear the mods care about the members so much.
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    2 1/2 weeks out pics

    Looks like you should do pretty well. keep up the good work.
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    who has shows coming ?

    Bodyrock. See you in the
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    Can machine rows replace barbell rows?

    There is no replaceing heavy barbell row for back size. Just ask Dorian Yates. But if your hurt i would let it heal first.
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    I am so happy that summer is here!!!

    Can't wait till summer. This cold weather sucks bad.
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    How to add size to your biceps...

    23" arms are huge.
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    Back Pain

    Fina gave me some crazy back pumps.
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    EQL Testosterone Enanthate 400mgs

    That stuff gave me major pain. Now mixing it with some human grade test enanathe and the pain is gone. On thier deca too which is pain free.
  17. B

    who has shows coming ?

    BstrongBwell what wieght class you plan on competeing in. I will be in the light-heavyweights.
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    who has shows coming ?

    I may me be doing the bodyrock on july 12. But wont start diet until mid april.
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    anyone else notice

    that does seem true.
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    Once again here is a Eql question

    Quads and glutes. The ones in the quad are not near as bad as the one the qauds.