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  1. realcooltime

    enanthenate (people's favorite test?)

    Yeah look at this picture and weep. Just like those old dog food commercials, put 10 fine women in a big room with the rice rocket and this and you will see them ALL gather around and sit on this here Harley any day. I guarnantee! ZB
  2. realcooltime

    enanthenate (people's favorite test?)

    2 things: A good Harley is a comfortable ride that guarantees a solid, all-american lay afterwards. Nothing vibrates between a chick's legs like a v twin engine--you don't have to have a dirt bag on a harley. Perhaps you just need to find better women. A new good one is hand made, costs twice...
  3. realcooltime

    how long for primo to kick in??

    When you do primo, you feel like you are natural. However, there are a few exceptions: Stength, endurance, recovery and size go up--but slowly and incrementally. It is a quality drug best reserved for retention of muscle in bodybuilders who are dieting down and endurance atheletes who must...
  4. realcooltime

    Endurance Athletes

    Winnie is good but your BP and cholesterol will skyrocket. I am exclusively an endurance athlete, but I do gear to keep from shrinking down to a stick. Some bros have the genes to get huge, some bros (like me) have the genes to climb huge mountains... I would actually tell you to seriously...
  5. realcooltime

    cyp and eth

    Go with Schering Testoviron depot at 500 a week. The rest is all horsehit, trust me dude. Stack it with deca or EQ if ya wanna git real sick. peace, ZB
  6. realcooltime

    ok, need some MC brother/sisterhood

    I am dieting down right now and it duz suck. But what the fuck man, you are almost there. Imagine you were watching a marathon and watch some guy quit 100 yards before the finish line. "what a pussy!" you would think. So do it, even if it sucks. I work hard all year to build up, then I get...
  7. realcooltime

    Hey Big Guns, this is for you!

    Glad to help our freinds to the south anytime. SI'm sorry I missed out on this one... pax ZB
  8. realcooltime

    enanthenate (people's favorite test?)

    ride one, a new one. The ones that use rubberized engine'll see. Every chick wants to get screwed after riding on the back of a harley too.... ZB
  9. realcooltime

    enanthenate (people's favorite test?)

    Hey there CE, we should really start our own sub-forum for die hard testoviron addicts!!! One thing though: It is so goddamn hard to find the shit. After my local source dried up, all that's out there is mail order mexican... I would like to stack it with dbol and eq next summer. That would be...
  10. realcooltime

    enanthenate (people's favorite test?)

    Go with schering human-grade testoviron depot... It is 200 mg enanthenate per amp, 50 mg propinate. Space it out an amp every 3 days for 8 weeks. I gained 20 lbs in 3 weeks with that and deca at 400. get the schering, not the mexican shit, if you can. I'll tell you right now, 100-150 mgs of...
  11. realcooltime

    Who are the Canadian Members here?

    I am from BC. Never heard of Ontario. Ziggy B
  12. realcooltime

    Hey Big Guns, this is for you!

    Go to this link, or buy the latest edition. Cover story and feature article is about Canadian Infantry in Afghanistan. These troops have all been reccommended for bronze stars. How often does the US give out bronze stars to foreign troops? BTW, this is the same...
  13. realcooltime

    which is better: Liquidex or Nolvadex?

    yeah but which is better?! ZB
  14. realcooltime

    mods vets, pls comment--big problems with Ttokkyo labs?!

    You sure you don't give a shit about what you put into your body, and how much, as long as you grow? Sounds more like you been megadosing crack. Peace, ZB
  15. realcooltime

    which is better: Liquidex or Nolvadex?

    don't you mean wyatt earp? ZB
  16. realcooltime

    which is better: Liquidex or Nolvadex?

    Oh yeah, I have been in University doing research since 1991. The army for me is just a part-time gig. I forgot that only the people on fitnessboard know that I am actually a graduate student.
  17. realcooltime

    which is better: Liquidex or Nolvadex?

    i have read in several places that Nolva is better all around as a cerian amount of estrogen is necessary for the body--for heart health, cholesterol levels, and endurance. Estrogen is of course an anabolic hormone as well. I am wondering then if Nolva is better because it doesn't eliminate...
  18. realcooltime

    which is better: Liquidex or Nolvadex?

    Hi all, I know this is a rather broad question, but which is better, Liquidex or Nolvadex? Vets, mods, please help! Thanks for all the great feedback. Peace and happy juicein' to all! Ziggy B
  19. realcooltime

    liquidex VS Nolvadex: need help!!!

    fuck no chicky! I gotta have it now! Skip the nolvadex altogether then, right? Just ldex and clomid after...? has anyone in Canada managed to get it? but hey, is it orally administered??? peace ZB