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  1. realcooltime

    question for REALCOOLTIME

    Oh yeah i forgot: water running is the BEST for hyper mobile joints as you face water resistance against your muscles rather than compression/shearing force. Water running, if you use your arms in particular is the best overall cardio/conditioning exercises I have found. Try using your arms...
  2. realcooltime

    question for REALCOOLTIME

    ahh, those tests, you are in the military! Good question because that is very similary to the cycle I last did. Here is what I reccomend, you will get good results with this: Training: Eat more calories than you need, but all quality cals--not a true "bulking cycle" Make the emphasis of your...
  3. realcooltime

    how long for primo to kick in??

    it doesn't at all. That's why its GOLD.
  4. realcooltime

    Which would sexy women prefer?

    eek! From now on I only want women to answer this poll! What the fuck do we know about what they want?! So far one girl has said a burner, one a harley. We're at 50-50. We need more chicks...Women help us. Man boobies, you don't count on this one... Pax ZB
  5. realcooltime

    Which would sexy women prefer?

    Man boobies, now I wanna rape you! ZB
  6. realcooltime

    Which would sexy women prefer?

    i still wanna rape that bike. zb
  7. realcooltime

    Which would sexy women prefer?

    that harley is so gorgeous I wanna rape it like Adebisi from OZ! ZB
  8. realcooltime

    Reason why not to play sports!!!!

    fuck why did i look at that? help me. ZB
  9. realcooltime


    you gotta come over the vancouver dude and stay at my house. I'll take ya on a free tour of the bush. Lots of bears and cougars though...keep training to outrun 'em! ZB
  10. realcooltime

    Which would sexy women prefer?

    it's all about the ride. That's why I started this. Which ride do they prefer. I've had the same girls ride on jap bikes and harleys with me. The prefer the harley ride, they dig the comfy seat and riding position. They dig that I can pull a bottle of red wine and blankets out of the saddlebags...
  11. realcooltime

    how long for primo to kick in??

    what do you do for work? I do a few things but I used to run around bombing freight on a loading dock and now i've got a part-time stint in the infantry. I do a lot of mountaineering, hiking, and swimming in the mountians around here. There aren't many of us type 3 muscle fibre guys on this...
  12. realcooltime

    Which would sexy women prefer?

    I like da ones with curves dat cost MONEY...dig? ZB
  13. realcooltime

    DBOL with?

  14. realcooltime

    GHB = growth hormone booster???

    I did that shit, i made it on the stove with a buddy. I don't know how it works for GH, never did it for that. But damn it got us HIGH!!! ZB
  15. realcooltime

    Winstrol in cycle? Cycle Critiques!

    lol, yeah i had a chat going with boobies, he had not really heard of it before or used it so I told him I would paste it in his thingy... i hope he like primo! ZB
  16. realcooltime

    Which would sexy women prefer?

    Them last two bikes were fer pimps only. I can dig it. ZB
  17. realcooltime


    true on dat...or keep same cals but increase cardio--that's what chris cormier does, and he's a top pro. That way is best anywhays as you get healthier and more conditioned. Just as streght training helps endurance atheletes, so can endurance training help strength athletes. get cut up without...
  18. realcooltime

    enanthenate (people's favorite test?)

    sorry dudes I cut and pasted the wrong info in the above box. This was intended for another post. Pax ZB
  19. realcooltime

    Winstrol in cycle? Cycle Critiques!

    Primobolan. That shit makes you feel like a gold statue. You will not break down! ZB