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  1. N

    Is a painless tren a/mast p blend possible at 250mg/ml (125mg each)?

    Any of you guys have experience with a tren/mast blend as high as this?
  2. N

    Test decanoate look?

    I'm curious what should mast prop powder look and smell like? I have some coming in, and I hope its legit.
  3. N

    How did masteron and NPP treat you? Tell me your experiences.

    I'm not a huge fan of npp or deca. They give me crazy lethargy. The gains weren't good enough for me to justify running it again. I still have some on hand, so in the future i'll probably throw it in my cycles at a low dose for alittle joint relief. However, I never really noticed anything out...
  4. N

    Masteron P vs Masteron E?

    Very good compound to keep you looking good year round. The only downsides is it hurts my cholesterol a bit, but nothing too crazy, and makes me shed. Its a nice compound to run regardless of bodyfat. It keeps you lean, dry, and feeling good. I'll put it up there with test in terms of feel good...
  5. N

    cut blend 300

    How would you compare the pip from this blend from something like tne (100mg/ml) if you've used it before? I want to make a tren/mast blend at 100-125mg each per ml. But I don't want to have to deal with bad pip.
  6. N

    Using a skillet hotplate?

    I've been using my coffeemaker to heat up my raws but it doesn't have a temperature gauge. I'm thinking for my next brew especially tren I will use my electric skillet so I can set the temperature. What do you guy us think will this work okay as a substitute? Or should I go for a water bath in a...
  7. N


    I've brewed tne+tren a and tne+adrol before, but I had to use a decent amount of solvents, and there was a decent amount of pip. I would like to make a relatively pain free tne mix. I was thinking about trying test pp + tne or I might just settle for a lower mg like 50mg/ml.
  8. N


    Do you think adding another compound would help with the solubility? Like brewing test base with some test phenyl prop?
  9. N

    cut blend 300

    Do you use a water bath to heat the raws with the solvents before adding the oil? Is this method suppose to allow you to use less solvents? Wouldn't you be able to get everything mixed by adding all the oil in and mixing it in a water bath? For all my brews I added all of the heated oil into...
  10. N

    BA and BB content is homebrews info

    How would you compare apricot to mct? I've been using gso, but for my next batch i'm going to try something new.
  11. N

    Have any of you guys tried homebrewing coq10 or other vitamins/amino acids, etc?

    Curious if anyone else here is interested in this as well. Coq10 and L-carnitine are the two I am interested in trying in injectable form. I've found some info on making L-carnitine, but came up empty handed for coq10. Have any of you guys ever made these, and if so how were your results?
  12. N

    BA and BB content is homebrews info

    Good post. I've been using 2% for all my brews just in case i'm slightly off with my volumes, but i'll go lower on my next brews. I'll need to do the same with BB as well as i've been sticking with 20% for almost everything because I don't want my brew to crash.