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  1. slimm

    post cycle question

    Great post swolepapa, and you too MudMan. I think people believe that running nolva will impede any progress, but I don't see this as being true. Even if it is true, the gains lost will be minimal. And like swolepapa said, gyno IS a big deal.
  2. slimm

    post cycle question

    I never understood why someone would wait until they saw (or felt) "signs" of gyno before taking nolva. If your nipples are itching or sensitive it's because damage is being done. I personally wouldn't want to mess with that and will forego gains over gyno or puffy nipples. I'm running 10mg...
  3. slimm

    Who here hates the shots?

    I thought you said it was your friend...
  4. slimm

    looking for training partner in Ft Lauderdale

    You don't need a partner. There is always going to be some damn excuse. You're better off by yourself. You can get in, lift heavy weights, and get out. (I sound bitter don't I? :D )
  5. slimm

    Lower back health.

    Great point presser.
  6. slimm

    Passed out

    I get light headed when taking caffeine pills on an empty stomach. Never passed out though [knocking on wood]. Be careful with that $hit bro.
  7. slimm

    Best Mexican Gear?

    I decided on QV EQ and QV Test E. Figured I can run these for about 10 wks and get nice firm gains. I'm currently on a sust/deca/d-bol cycle. I'll wait to see the results I get with this one.
  8. slimm

    Best Mexican Gear?

    I'm currently on week 2 of sust/deca/d-bol. I'm running the cycle for 12wks, so I'll be done around wk 2-3 of March, then starting pct beginning of April. A friend of mine is going down south for the weekend. I may be looking to run a small cycle during the summer to cut up and possibly add...
  9. slimm

    Echtomorph workout anyone??

    The only thing I can add, as an ectomorph myself, is to begin incorporating the 4 mass-building exercises: deadlift, squats, military press and bench press. I have noticed a tremendous difference after consistantly doing these exercises as my core exercises. And like Glen said, you need to...
  10. slimm

    drawing test and deca into the syringe

    I'm having a bit of the same problem. I'm drawing with 20 gauge needles. When I stick the needle in the vial, the air is sucked right in, then when I try to draw the gear into the needle it creates a suction and takes a long time to get in the needle. I'm shooting both deca 300 and sustanon.
  11. slimm

    Muscle Milk n' Oats

    I saw them at GNC. I'm not sure if I would pay $3 each though. But like you mentioned, pretty convenient if you work in an office setting such as myself.
  12. slimm

    Cheap food for building.

    Online protein is good if you're buying in bulk otherwise the shipping will make it the same price if you were to buy it at GNC/Vitamin World, etc. Good post GW.
  13. slimm

    What are your comebacks for AAS?

    I don't say anything either. I'll just let them continue thinking whatever it is they think. :cool:
  14. slimm

    Cycle set, do I need HCG? Please critique.

    Is there anything else you guys would change up about the cycle? I'm going to run both milk thistle AND Liv-52. I'm also taking a multi-vitamin and will take additional vitamin B-6 since I'm running deca. I'm also currently taking R-ALA and will continue that throughout the cycle. Am I...
  15. slimm

    Cycle set, do I need HCG? Please critique.

    Thanks for the responses guys. I think I'm gonna' run about 250iu's twice a wk (500iu's a wk) starting around wk 4 or 5 if I see any shrinkage. What do you all think?
  16. slimm

    Cycle set, do I need HCG? Please critique.

    Okay guys, finally decided on a cycle. I am 26yrs old, 185 lbs, 6'0", don't really know body fat but can stand to lose 'bout 5 lbs or so. This will be my 2nd cycle. The first was 3 yrs ago, consisted of deca 300mg/wk and test e 500 mg/wk for 8 wks (ran out of gear). I'm gonna' do it right this...
  17. slimm

    Enough test for test/deca cycle?

    I was afraid you guys would say that. :D So no use in trying to incorporate the Testoprim-D then, huh? I was thinking in a test-only cycle and saving the deca for later, but I might as well use it. Since I don't have enough of Testoprim or Sustanon, I'll go out and get enough of both for...
  18. slimm

    Enough test for test/deca cycle?

    What's up fella's. I'm on the verge of taking my second cycle. I'm 26 yrs old, 6'0'' at 185 lbs. My first cycle two yrs ago was 400mg test ent./wk and 300mg deca/wk for 10 wks. I made nice gains (about 10-12 lbs that I kept) and am looking forward to my next cycle this year. Here is the...