Search results

  1. delcapone

    high tren lower test? trenbolone and testosterone.. presser

    Ive been reading alot about that for the past year on different forums, there must be something to it due to all the feedback, .iIve gotten such great results with 400mgs Tren-e/E 4 days test cyp/750mgz/week. I can't imagine trying anything different, or getting better results, as for tren ive...
  2. delcapone

    Bodybuilding and steroid myths

    Add on to my list if you have amymore, these are a few I've heard over the years. Steroids make your Dick Shrink, obviously thought up by a pencil neck geek. I do however bring up tha point of ,if you dont do things correct and safely you balls MAY shrink in size. All that muscles gonna turn to...
  3. delcapone

    What Kind of Workout Routine/Split are you doing??

    Back in the 80s i did the Lee Haney push -pull Back &Bis Chest &Tris Delts&Calves Legs When Dorian came on the seen i totally bought into the one bodypart per wrkout philosophy and its worked wonders for me. I do 1 bodypart and just freakin smash it. Sometimes 30 + sets per B.P. I love drop sets...
  4. delcapone

    Roelly Winklaar Recent pics

    He's in my top 6 favs, i like grandma too!
  5. delcapone

    Really Diggin Musclechemistry

    I belong fo about 40 different muscle/roid forums i visit 5 on a regular basis, M.C. Has become my #1 ...Everyone hear is willing to help, theres no bashing of any questions that i can see, theres a few sites where it seems whatever you post some asshole gotta either correct you, or try and...
  6. delcapone

    What is your job/career?

    I'm a welder, stick...mig...tig...fluxcore...I used to build chevy truck frames till Clinton signed the N.A.F.T.A. free trade agreement ,now chevy truck frames are madd in Mexico and Canada, BUY FORD!! I've been welding gas tanks at the Harley Plant last 11 yrs. Yes, we get our Bikes at cost...
  7. delcapone

    Paintful Test E

    If you take a pinch of powder and hold it between two fingers does it melt?
  8. delcapone

    NPP recipe

    Nandrolone phenylpropionate A.K.A. N.P.P. 100ml@ 100mgs/ml Powder-10gr B.B. - 15ml B.A. - 3ml Oil -74.5ml straight Ethyl Oleate or .G.S.O./E.O. 50/50 20ml@200mgs/ml Powder 4gr B.B. 4ml B.A. 0.4ml Oil 12.6 ml
  9. delcapone

    got some crystalized cyp.

    Austin, try 2mls Benzyl benzoate The P.I.P. Issues surprise me, my old powder guy there was a bit of p.i.p. Nothin major, but with M.D. I had absolutely zero, i can't even tell i pinned the next day... Are gou guys using b.b. In your recipe? I found 3% B.A. 18% B.B. GSO/E.O. 50/50 i can get most...
  10. delcapone

    Muscle-Depot Reviews

    WHOOA Ghost, better drop the tren down a few mgs.
  11. delcapone

    muscle depot powder review

    WHOOA Ghost, better drop the tren down a few mgs.
  12. delcapone

    remember your first cycle?

    1994 ...32 yrs old been litin for 12 yrs, 400mg Steris test cyp. Un fuckin believable, i blew up brothers.
  13. delcapone

    BIG SECRET behind EO PIP solved!

    Med U.K. Or U.S.A. GTG
  14. delcapone

    Muscle-Depot Reviews

    OK ,its been 4 weeks since my nephew started muscle depots test E... He's an exellent trial subject... Its only his 2nd cycle so receptors are nice and clean, and he has a natural low B.F.%, i haven't seen him since he started ,he lives an hr. Away.. So he walks in the door ,takes his coat and...
  15. delcapone

    muscle depot powder review

    OK ,its been 4 weeks since my nephew started muscle depots test E... He's an exellent trial subject... Its only his 2nd cycle so receptors are nice and clean, and he has a natural low B.F.%, i haven't seen him since he started ,he lives an hr. Away.. So he walks in the door ,takes his coat and...
  16. delcapone

    Gym headohones...

    Ive wore buds, phones, but after realizing they hinder my focus/concentration i now train, with neither, i can't get that mind muscle Lock with music in my ear.
  17. delcapone

    Muscle-Depot Reviews

    Yes, definetly can be done with none at all, I started using E.O. when I made My 1st batch of T.N.E. then again when I made Tren Ace. With E.O./G.S.O. 50/50 it thins out finished product so I can pin with 25gauge pins, also seems to dissapate faster, its Just My personal preference.
  18. delcapone

    muscle depot powder review

    Yes, definetly can be done with none at all, I started using E.O. when I made My 1st batch of T.N.E. then again when I made Tren Ace. With E.O./G.S.O. 50/50 it thins out finished product so I can pin with 25gauge pins, also seems to dissapate faster, its Just My personal preference.
  19. delcapone

    Anth "the freak" Bailes

    WOW, Good Job.. what is your age ?,if you dont mind me asking.