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  1. HardMoFo

    I am in such a zone right now...

    Good Luck brother! I wish I could get back to that state of mind...
  2. HardMoFo

    Torn Pec

    thanks for all the info guys, I was talking to a dude at work that competes bench press comps he said he did the same thing a few months ago didnt go to the doctor. he waited two months before benching again and it felt worse, so he went to the doctor and did an mri. scar tissue reduced his...
  3. HardMoFo

    Torn Pec

    who here has torn a pec? what does it sound like, feel like and sound like when it happens? I was doing 3rd set incline tonight and 3 into it my left pec sounded like someone was tearing velcro from something, now my upper chest and close to my shoulder ti-in is like mush? real nice, any...
  4. HardMoFo


    would you guys advise taking some EQ along with my PCT to help things along, im not sure If EQ will mess with natural test or not.
  5. HardMoFo


    I was going to hit it for 10 weeks and use what I have left laying around, i have never done anything to cut, have just used d-bol, heptylate, testex, testoviron, and suspension in the past so im this is something like an experiment for me, with the fina prop and winnie. any cratiques would be...
  6. HardMoFo


    What type of calorie numbers should i be lookging for while doing a cutter consisting of 100mg fina eod and 100mg prop eod? Weight now is 180, 12% bf 26 yrs old and 5'7" tall. going to run the fina and prop for 5 weeks eod then 5 weeks ed then add some winny to the end while on the ed. what do...
  7. HardMoFo

    must read about gakic/leukic

    thanks bro, im getting sick of seing those adds in musclemag, sometime i hope they quit letting those assholes clutter up the pages
  8. HardMoFo

    Hell Fire

    what the hell can i do to it so its barable, leaves a bruise about 5 inches round where site is, I cut it with 1 cc tren and 1cc B-12, son of a bitch does it hurt! but not till the next day, then for about 5 days after that I cant touch the spot!
  9. HardMoFo

    Hell Fire

    Alright guys what do you think about this. I just started 100mg homebrew tren and 100mg Hell Fire Prop EOD and son of a bitch, First dart was in the shoulder, I couldnt sleep for 2 days, thinking that i might have done something stupid and hit a nurve I put the next one the my right cheek...
  10. HardMoFo

    I'M back Arrested wanna hear it?

    kicks ass to have you back man!
  11. HardMoFo

    liquid clo

    Hey do any of you guys remember how many mg were in the liquid clo that chem used to have?
  12. HardMoFo


    job ahh Man im a PipeFitter so when there is work, I need to work, its good do be back learning and posting, I see alot of familiar names and quite a few new ones but im layed off for probably the winter so you will see more of me till work rolls again. I have been keeping up with the...
  13. HardMoFo


    alright Thanks man, I do have clomid for post cycle, thanks for the help and i will be letting you guys know how it goes
  14. HardMoFo


    What do you guys think, its not a big bulker but im looking for input Wk1-2 25 Mg d-bol Wk2-4 50 Mg D-bol Wk5-10 75mg fina EOD Wk5-10 400Mg Eth Wk Im 5'6 175, its been a fiew years but i have done 3 really good cycles in the past
  15. HardMoFo

    yohimbine hcl

    does anyone know where i can get pure yohimbine hcl powder for dsmo ? and does it really work?
  16. HardMoFo

    Test e and Fina

    thats what i was hoping i would hear, i have heard good things about prop but have never came across anyone stacking with test e
  17. HardMoFo

    Test e and Fina

    what do you guys think about a test e and fina stack
  18. HardMoFo

    More about slin

    all good questions, so im going to bump this back up
  19. HardMoFo

    More about slin

    Alright, I got my slin and am ready to give it a try, i was wandering what everyone thought about their experiences with the stuff, diet, pumps, whatever you can tell me would be awsome. I want to do this rite, did all the research i can and just want some last minute thoughts