

New member
What do you guys think, its not a big bulker but im looking for input

Wk1-2 25 Mg d-bol
Wk2-4 50 Mg D-bol
Wk5-10 75mg fina EOD
Wk5-10 400Mg Eth Wk

Im 5'6 175, its been a fiew years but i have done 3 really good cycles in the past
Ok, First run the dbol weeks 1-4 @ 40-50mg ED no need to rev it up after 2 weeks. Secondlyrun your Enth from week 1-10 400mg/wk is fine now you want to run your Fina starting about week 7-12. This allows you to reap the bennifits of the Enth and the Fina since the Enth will still be in your system since it is a longer acting ester. When you finish the Fina you can start your post cycle therapy, which you dont have listed but Im sure you have.Here is how it should look:
WKS 1-4 Dbol 50mg ED split dose
WKS 1-10 Enth 400mg/wk
WKS 7-12 Fina 75mg EOD
Start your post Cycle Therapy 3 days after your last Fina injection.

Thanks man, I do have clomid for post cycle, thanks for the help and i will be letting you guys know how it goes
..Bump good info. That will work good for you, but if it were me I would run the dbol longer say to wk 7-8 and start the fina a wk before I stop the bol. The overlap will help keep your strenght up.
I agree, I would run the test from week one also. Do you have any nolv or hcg for post? I think you gonna need more than clomid for your pct. Also whacha been up to bro? I havnt seen around in a while. Its good to see ya back and posting.

ahh Man im a PipeFitter so when there is work, I need to work,

its good do be back learning and posting, I see alot of familiar names and quite a few new ones but im layed off for probably the winter so you will see more of me till work rolls again.
I have been keeping up with the workouts but just couldnt find time to get on here, but its time to grow, good seing all you guys again

I'd just run the dbol at 35 ED for 4 weeks. No need to ramp up your dbol.

Run the enanthate from the begining. People take the orals while they're waiting for the enanthate (or whatever) to take full effect.

Maybe start the tren at week about week two or three. You want your test to be working by the time your tren does.

I'm going to eat a big sandwich right now.
i will be running tren from week 4 till 14 test cyp from 1 to12 might kik it of with prop say week 1 till 5?

jaywooly said:
I'd just run the dbol at 35 ED for 4 weeks. No need to ramp up your dbol.

Run the enanthate from the begining. People take the orals while they're waiting for the enanthate (or whatever) to take full effect.

Maybe start the tren at week about week two or three. You want your test to be working by the time your tren does.

I'm going to eat a big sandwich right now.