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  1. dman1

    Training partner DIES in the gym!!!

    Damn, very sad for your loss.
  2. dman1

    Fina dreams

    I have vivid dreams while on tren, but they usually are not violent. Most of the time they are just strange, like alice in wonderland strange.
  3. dman1

    6 Weeks Out - Teen Nationals

    Looking good bro, keep it up and I think you will do well. Good luck!!
  4. dman1

    P-gh Who Has Tryed It

    Have not tried but have seen alot of talk about it. I am very interested.
  5. dman1

    (SIATICA) I am Messed, No more training for a while.

    I just recovered from that and I know from experience that it is extremely painful. The best medicine is rest, heat, and if it is not too painful, stretching. It took me about a month and a half to recover, but I still get some nagging pain every once and a while. Good luck bro!!
  6. dman1

    my creepy wife

    I would say, in all seriousness, if you don't stop being a ninja and sneaking around, one of three things are going to accidentally happen, (1) you will be punched, (2) you will be stabbed, (3) or you will be shot. If you don't want any of these things to accidentally happen to you, then stop...
  7. dman1

    distrubing news on orals

    I do know that one of the side effects of chronic corticosteroid use is loss of bone density. However, the reason why this side effect occurs is unknown. Maybe he is saying they now have a possible reason for why this side effect occurs. This is a very interesting discussion though. Bump for...
  8. dman1

    distrubing news on orals

    Is he confirming something with all oral steroids, or something with corticosteroids, which is what your wife was taking. Coritcosteroids are completely different from AAS, and in my opinion when taken for long peroids of time are much more harmful. Clear this fact up first, then you can start...
  9. dman1

    MIA Strider

    Damn, that sucks, hope he gets to feeling better.
  10. dman1


    Mini bottles? I am confused, like the bottles of they have on planes? :confused: If so, that is the most rediculous thing I have heard.:shocked:
  11. dman1


    Yeah, I believe oklahoma and south carolina are the only states in which tattooing is against the law. I think these two states priorities are pretty messed up, people are going to just go to other states to get their tats, so it's not like it prevents anything. It's just money that ends up...
  12. dman1


  13. dman1

    Hi-new guy here

    Welcome, there is plenty of information here. Enjoy!
  14. dman1


    Really? I guess these are "underground" places, seeing how tattooing is still against the law in oklahoma, which I think is the dumbest thing on the planet. I was just thinking of paying a visit to texas.
  15. dman1

    Pics of me Before - After - Now

    Awesome job bro! Keep up the good work!
  16. dman1


    I have been seriously thinking of getting my first tattoo as well! Was thinking about something on my left arm. Too bad everyone in oklahoma has to go out of state to get it done. We have some seriously messed up state laws.
  17. dman1

    How many oz's in...

    There are 128 oz's in one gallon.
  18. dman1

    swoool here

    Welcome!! I haven't been here very long either, but everyone here so far seems pretty friendly and helpful. Alot of good bros here, enjoy.
  19. dman1

    Grandeur Labs

    I was unware they had their own website, I must be out of the loop.
  20. dman1

    blood work at

    Good to know, thanks!!!