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    Eq powder qs

    Yes, it's normal.
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    HCG or clomid after Winny cycle???

    From my experience winny does shut one down. Even oxandrolone at 30mg ED for six weeks did that to me. Obviously that the post cycle recovery period isn't nearly as long or hard as a convetional cycle. I wouldn't be surprised if you felt shutdown after the cycle.
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    rocky mountain reserch

    Thanks man. Customs here in Portugal are the most surreal thing ever. Once I ordered some whey and protein bars and received a letter saying that a doctors prescription was needed to import stuff like that. In the other hand, in that same week I received a package containing gear from a...
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    rocky mountain reserch

    Bump for Strider, I hope everything is sorted out asap... my old order is taking ages but hope it comes soon... best of luck.
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    Fake Organon Sustanon

    This is the funniest shit I've seen in a while. It's like they're not even trying to look legit.
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    Refined Soy Oil

    What do you guy's think of using refined soy oil in convertions, the kind you get at grocery shops? Does it differ from sesame oil in regards to converting gear?
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    Rocky Mountain Research Products

    Bump for a question: What's happened to the site? Is it being remodeled?
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    Effects of ANAVAR on sex drive?

    I did a 8 week cycle of anavar at 30mg/day. I recall that on the first week the sex drive went up. Then stabilized amd in the last couple of weeks it was abnormally high again. Never had libido issues while on. The pct however, was different. I do not believe that anavar doesn't affects HTPA. In...
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    Trenbolone & Strength increase

    Better add some test to the mix. Tren is very supressive of natural testosterone.