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  1. mr_man

    About cyber rights

    This is posted at cyber-rights - Privacy - Frequently Asked Questions Does Hush/Cyber-Rights.Net have a "back door" that can be accessed by government agencies? Email, which includes attachments, sent between Hush users is completely encrypted. What if my message is subpoenaed? Hush...
  2. mr_man

    Need help getting a workout together

    6'1" 225lbs. about 18% Lifted for several years (alittle over one year not lifting) but had no structure and now I am wanting a program to follow. Kind of a weird split workout.
  3. mr_man

    Need help getting a workout together

    How about this Mon: 1. Chest – Incline, Decline, Flat. Maybe some Butterflies 2. Triceps – Close grip bench, Pull downs, Triceps extensions Tues: 1. Legs- Squats, Quads, Calves, Wend: 1. back – Dead lifts, Lats, Shoulders, Bies, Traps Thurs: ???? Fri: 1. Legs- Squats, Dead lifts, Calves...
  4. mr_man

    Need help getting a workout together

    All input is welcome Mon: 1. Chest – Incline, Decline, Flat. Maybe some Butterflies 2. Triceps – Close grip bench, Pull downs, Triceps extensions Tues: 1. Legs- Squats, Dead lifts, Quads, Calves, Hamstrings Wend: 1. Upperback – Lats, Shoulders, Bies, Traps Thurs: ???? Fri: 1. Legs, the...
  5. mr_man

    University of Idaho

    thanks for you help bros. and thank for the props on the pic. But I will have to say it is hard t beat Guagmire. Giggity, Giggity
  6. mr_man

    University of Idaho

    Is anyone here going to, or gone to the University of Idaho?
  7. mr_man

    Cycle critique

    1-16 Deca 600mg AW 1-16 Tren En 600mg AW 1-17 Test En 1g AW 1-8 Anadrol 100mg ED 9-16 D-bol 50mg ED 1-19 Nolvadex 10 or 20 mg ED Depending about 1g of test 1-19 B-6 400 mg ED 20mg of Nolvadex during PCT ED Two weeks after last Test shot. Clomid 300/100/50 What I want is a huge...
  8. mr_man

    Qestion about adding masteron to my cycle

    Age:25 Weight:203 Height:6'1 1/2 Training: 5 years not to serious except the last 2 years then 5 days AW 2 hours a day Goals:with this one Bulk, down time then go to a hard core cutting cycle Diet:Not very good. will clean a bit and really clean house when I cut Cycle Ex.: this is my 8th cycle...
  9. mr_man

    Tren Enanthate???

    Same gains and strength, but alot less shots. besides the number of shots it is the same.
  10. mr_man

    Qestion about DNP while on cycle

    I have used clen and have seen very little results
  11. mr_man

    Qestion about DNP while on cycle

    And it is a 200mg cap. how long does anyone think that I should run it?
  12. mr_man

    Qestion about DNP while on cycle

    OK how long should I take it,every one is acting like it is eating rat posion so I was just thinking abou a short term use. I do diet and do cardio but i can't get off the fat. I don't ever hear of anyone getting so much $hit about using clen. So if there is something better why not use it.
  13. mr_man

    Qestion about DNP while on cycle

    sure if you go over board with anything thing is bad, but in such a small amount for short term I didn't think that it would be that bad.
  14. mr_man

    Qestion about DNP while on cycle

    is this stuff really that bad. I was just wanting to take 200mg a day for two weeks. I didn't think that it would be all that bad.
  15. mr_man

    Qestion about DNP while on cycle

    be carefull about what? The use of DNP
  16. mr_man

    Qestion about DNP while on cycle

    I was wondering if you could take DNP while on a cycle? IF the cycle matters I will post. thanks
  17. mr_man

    should I be taking Milk Thistle?

    My cycle is week 1-12 Test En 750mg AW week 1-4 Liq D-bol 50mg ED week 2-11 Tren En. 400mg AW week 9-14 Winstrol 50mg ED
  18. mr_man

    Liq D-Bol

    tren En should be injescted eod?
  19. mr_man

    Liq D-Bol

    I also read on a site that vitamin B-6 will help with gyno from the tren. I don't know about it. I havn't had time to research it.