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  1. M

    How do _you_ run Prop?

    Are you using Farmak?
  2. M

    How do _you_ run Prop?

    500 mg for 12 weeks. Try to get 100mg/ml though
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    OK I haven't been here in awhile but wanted to pass on some info. Ok I started at 253 lbs and after 3 days at 200, 7at 400, 1 at 600 (too hot) and 1 last day at 200. I lost 10 lbs of pure flubber. Not drastic but nice. Lots of water, fruit juice, vitamin c and ala and it was aok. I bet fina...
  4. M

    Propinate dosage ?

    Iwas going for 700mg/week on my next wondering If I should increase
  5. M

    Tip for u guys to prevent ACNE!!!!!!!!! while on juice

    B5 b5 is awesome! I am prone and have had NO acne troubles in 12.5 weeks of my first cycle. I have used ala, liquidex, and b5 at 1.5 grams per day. It sure as hell works for me!
  6. M


    yo Wasted $70 on it.....did nothing at all for me except ......"feel" like it was working from the cold sensation after application.....:mad:
  7. M


    .. Gained nice chest vascularity in the last pic. Good job
  8. M

    Motivational Quotes!!!

    quote There is a guy named buff69 on another board that put up a quote that is something like this "pain is nothing more than weakness leaving your body" Yeah buddy!!!:mad:
  9. M

    Mailboxkillr, that is a nasty avatar you have.

    yuck Just find a fold and F%#@ it, LOL . What a fat mess....... This should go under the diet section as involuntary weight loss from barfing:eek:
  10. M

    Anyone else addicted to ECA STACKS

    ECA I used xenadrine for awhile and my heart felt like it was gonna explode. I then tried Hydroxycut (Muscletech did make ONE good product) and feel in the dumps when I quit....... uhhhhhh * Krusty the clown noise*. I guess Hyhdroxy is a form of ECA but not sure.....same basic idea:(
  11. M

    drug testing!!

    I have used different things to mask or clean y system when I used to be a pot smoker with success.....and 1 failure:mad: Is there anything similar for aas. I would like to have some on hand just in case. Not worrried about company testing but just for saftey purposes. A drink or pill that...
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    Anavar Question

    Thanks for the info!!
  13. M

    Anavar Question

    I have heard conflicting opinions about whether Anavar is 17aa or not. Does anyone know for sure on the status. Is it liver toxic? Thanks in advance
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    Yeah nice overall but I like the back pick....lots of definition.....what were your last few cycles.....what did you long etc....Good job bro......also how tall are you?
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    MICHAEL JORDAN...........#23........A TOTAL LEGEND
  16. M

    Wonderful Board

    Hi good people here....stick around and learn and grow with us:D
  17. M

    gear brands

    From what I read SPECTRO is about the same price of most of the denkalls and tt..........they are all prett good though. Try SPECTRO if you can find it.
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    What Spectro product have you tried?

    I finally found a guy with Spectro products and was wanting opinions on who has tried them and what? If so what was your favorite and was it painless, less pain, better results etc. I have heard some rave about the omegatren and said it is much better than any of the homeade stuff and a few also...
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    There are some overseas sources with schering Primo for $12 an amp. I was told it was thick and you have to use a 23 or smaller needle to get it through which is the reason I have not picked some up yet......anybody have any info on thickness or what the smallest pin you can use with a bit of...
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    I 'd like to know how or where to get this. I imagine it is not illegal or controlled etc:)