How do _you_ run Prop?



I'd like to know how everyone uses prop. Some people frontload and some use it through a whole cycle. I'm planning on using it in the future and I want some info on how some of you bros cycle it so I can optimize how I use it for the best results.
my first experience with it was this cycle that I'm currently on, I loved the fact that I could feel it after only a few days. I frontloaded and shot it with my Enth for the first 3 weeks, I would have went for 4 or 5 but if you remember I got an infection and I threw out the bottle just to be safe...
i've used prop quite often. I actually prefer it the entire cycle. No water bloat. Also, if you can find a supplier who uses EO, cuts down on the pain.
i dont see a neewd for a huge front load but a little is good, say 200mg a day for first few days and taper down to 100mg daily through cycle, this is pretty good for most people, and i thinks u will find that it will be ur favorite if u give it a go ur entire time on
there's two different ways to frontload, one it to frontload Prop by taking more of it the first few weeks and the other way is to frontload your cycle of say Enth or Cyp by taking Prop the first 4-5 weeks. I frontloaded my Enth cycle with 50mg of Prop a day so instead of having to wait 3 or 4 weeks for the Enth to kick in the Prop kicked in in 3 or 4 DAYS
I probably don't have to frontload anything, just run it throughout the whole cycle, but it's good to know. I'm always on TRT so there's always something in my system. When I use something, it takes effect immediately, especially any other kind of test.
ahhh yes I forgot about your TRT, yeah no need for you to frontload but it's nice option for others to get it to kick in right away.
I liked Prop the first time I tried it but the pain almost became unbearable at times, If I could find someone who had painless prop id like to run that with NPP and d bol for a few weeks.
i felt that way when i was using syntherol. I mean, towards the end... it took like a half hour to load up my biceps and deltoids. That’s pining yourself 10 times with a total of 30 mls every day. I was also on gear, so I made additional pin for that.

I actually felt like those people that are “cutters” cause sometimes id just let the blood flow from the sites. I after doing that for such a long time, I began to kinda get into a trance. Had a certain music playing, everything laid out to make it as efficient as possible, just was a strange experience.
I know what you mean. Syntherol doesn't get me in the way of pain at all now. I think my body got used to it. Hopefully prop will be the same though I intend to try the 'painless' variety.
I was running prop and tren. Stopped the tren due to breathing (not related to the tren) So I upped my prop to 150mg/ED. I'm running 100mg/ml prop based in EO and it's painless :)
justintempler said:
I was running prop and tren. Stopped the tren due to breathing (not related to the tren) So I upped my prop to 150mg/ED. I'm running 100mg/ml prop based in EO and it's painless :)

Are you using Farmak?