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    can you make 500/ml test-e painless

    the flu feeling is just coming as a reaction by your body to the increase in the hormone. I'm not sure why, but when I have gotten a couple cases of "test flu" a couple aleve always made me feel MUCH better within a couple hours. Usually the pain is caused by an increase in the amount of ba...
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    can you make 500/ml test-e painless

    Test E. can be easily made at 600 mg/ml in a way that many or most of you would never know the day after taking it that you had it in you. 2 % is a little on the high side for b.a. If prepared right 1% is usually plenty for sterility, although I like to stay at 1.5 for insurance. Cooper did have...
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    Oral Stan, will corn syrup work? How much to combat prolactin?

    Hey eveyone, Hey Press, been a long time since I've been by. No, corn sryup will not work by itself. Your powder will clump up stick to the sides of the bottle, etc.. If I were to do something like what you're wanting to do and didn't want to use peg and wanted my stan to be effectively...
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    All MCAS Orders Info

    Modizzle, I'm sorry you have waited as long as you have, but you shouldn't have. and all I was saying is that a little humor just eases the situation, like i said they could be crying scammmer ******* ******* and other things that you and I know are the worst things to be called in our...
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    All MCAS Orders Info

    mmx2, though they didn't come from me a couple wise ass comments never hurt anyone. there are a lot worse things that could be said about this situation. then what was. these guys have waited way too long.
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    All MCAS Orders Info

    lol not the whole world hates a smart ass, thanks for the laugh bro.
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    How do i measure body fat % ?

    yeah if you are dehydrated or over hydrated, the electric won't work at all
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    How do i measure body fat % ?

    here's what you do, borrow presser's skimpies from his avatar, go to the beach, if you get laid, your bf is good, if everyone including the whale laugh, your a fat mo$%^ F@^@#!!!
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    too much cardio

    Fuck it, you said you work at a restaurant, everyone that came in would be like "what the fuck? this doesn't look like the picture, hey why is half my milkshake gone," mass no problem..
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    Facts about styeroids

    Lee priest, holy fuckin shit, yeah kid, granted, i'm sure you have a tighter ass, than my girlfriend, do you think the priest is clean and "big like you"
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    thoughts/opinions on OT?

    I've got guys running ot like crazy now a days. all the comps are coming up and people are looking for other edges than winny var and tren, I have 4 guys who are all competing most are taking 20 mgs ot morning and 20 mgs at night and are absolutely loving it. hell, i think I'm going to start it...
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    Pregnancy Info Needed PLEASE!!!

    hell yeah, did ya'll see the episode where the whore was dancing around and then fell flat on her face next to a plant, I'm sure she tried to say the plant got her pregnant, but we all know how stingy plants are, they are all asexual, (they fuck themselves) so... yeah the plant was like fuck...
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    Pregnancy Info Needed PLEASE!!!

    jayw, supposedly not very likely, but my bestfriend was on around 600 mgs of test and 300 deca, which I know isn't a huge helluva lot, but more than they will give you at a male clinic, and he got his girlfriend bouncy, worse thing too is that she is one PSYCHO PSYCHO bitch, so now it's not his...
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    pics as of 4/14

    got some big round ass delts! look at that rear double bicep
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    Besides overeating what causes excess belly fat?

    yeah modizzle alcohol is hell on ya, and has shown direct effect of abdomen fat. The talk about cortisol is true also, and remember the body has multiple ways of dealing with stress, the most extreme passing out, the most common is eating, especially starchy foods, the brain looks for these for...
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    how often do you work abs

    also, since you need to give some muscles a day off, when my abs get sore and need a day off, I just keep my ass in bed.
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    how often do you work abs

    every day, right after I wake up I sit up out of bed, on off days I roll out so I can make sure and hit the obliques
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    Pics 10 Weeks Out Junior Nationals

    mike you do look great bro. I know a cat right now going to the same, and he's is nowhere near where you are. You are already looking pretty cut, quite a bit more than I would expect for 10 weeks, you look like you're about 6 or 7 weeks out, just make sure you keep your dieting in check and...
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    I just read the funniest sickest posts ever, and they were both in the same thread. this thread has some "all time best potential"