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  1. scorpioscull

    Back pain on M1T?

    Just add taurine and potassium to help with the lower back cramps. If they become unbearable, lower the dose.
  2. scorpioscull

    Do you take and sleeping aids?

    I work night shift....6pm-6am. So I always end up using'em. Yes certain androgens also screw u up on sleep. What I find most effective is unisom (doxyamil succinate)....I only use 1/2 a tab before bed and it helps get me to sleep.....feel great upon awakening. If I take the whole thing, I find...
  3. scorpioscull

    methly compounds

    I would not stack two methyls.......there is really not that much info out there other that threads in which people have bloodwork done. So we really don't know how toxic methyls are to the liver, much less stacked......m1t being most toxic/harsh. Your cycle looks fine where 'methyls' run back...
  4. scorpioscull


    Yeah, thats my original there all the time. Thanks for the info, I'll keep that in mind.
  5. scorpioscull


    I'm in the middle of wk4....used 30-32mg day, spread over 4-5 doses (got suspension & tabs). At about the 3wk mark and more recently I've seen a reduction in bf in the love handles/abdominal area. Look more defined in traps,delts, chest......even a bit in arms, quads also. I recently upped the...
  6. scorpioscull


    It is supposedly more like anavar, from what I've read. Here is a link with some info:
  7. scorpioscull

    GrapeJuice ******* info

    GrapeJuice impersonator info Here is a copy and paste of an email I received on info about GrapeJuice. Don't know if any of you deal with him. Pass on the info. GrapeJuice is closed until further notice. A ******* has managed to take over many of our and S.B.C's email accounts including...
  8. scorpioscull

    Oxygen Mag

    You look awsome! ready. Very sexy woman!
  9. scorpioscull

    New member

    Thanks again to all of you guys and gals. Lots of good/knowledgeable people around here.
  10. scorpioscull

    Liver and kidney health

    I would look into r-ala/ala......NAC for liver and cranberry extract for kidney. Also keep an eye on Designersupps site.....Sledge is supposed to be coming out with a new liver/kidney protect supp.
  11. scorpioscull

    Nice protein snack....

    One portabella mushroom cap, seasoned and grilled.....fill the cap with roasted/grilled chicken and then top with motzerella cheese. Makes a tasty meal......a friend acctually came up with this....been making them ever since :D .
  12. scorpioscull

    Several Homemade Protien Bars Recipes

    Was just gonna post this.....these are Wardog bars....I've tried them....they're good.
  13. scorpioscull

    oatmeal or oat flour ?

    I get the brown....pretty cheap....about .85/lb....I think the golden are a bit higher in price.
  14. scorpioscull

    Awesome Recipes

    You want recipies for shakes, or foods?
  15. scorpioscull

    oatmeal or oat flour ?

    Re: Re: oatmeal or oat flour ? That's exactly what I do. I also grind my own flax seeds and add the poder to my bed time shakes....a bit cheaper than the oil and benefit from the extra ligans/fiber in the seeds.
  16. scorpioscull

    something easy?

    Hard boiled with natty peanut butter.....jerky....nuts.
  17. scorpioscull

    I've gained 17.5lbs in about 3 weeks

    Good info the write-up QoD.....and sounds like good gains BigS....prolly some water....If you are getting to much bloat and think diet may need adjusting....up the protein a bit and lower the carbs a bit also. As for all the eating, yeah it's hard but can be done. Some of us are...
  18. scorpioscull

    New member

    Thanks for the welcome guys. Doc, hadn't seen you at AM for a while. I go by the same name minus the 'scull'.