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  1. chgolatin2

    diet soda...

    Only water, natural juices, no soda, carbonated water, sodium are not very healthy for you but of course everybody knows that... Latin
  2. chgolatin2

    Marine petetion please read and sign!

    I am also a vet, this is my 3rd tour and now serving overseas in the dessert, i really cant way where in the dessert but you guys have a basic idea. Nobody understand battle like we live it, only those that are next to you in the heat of the moment know the truth. We only have each other to...
  3. chgolatin2

    BA/BB how do I figure proper %

    EM, thanks for the info! Latin
  4. chgolatin2

    blondes, brunettes, or redheads

    blondes, clean shaven and waxed, hmmmm nothing better! but I love all kinds of beautiful females they all have something unique. Latin
  5. chgolatin2

    Got my new toy for the Gym

    iPods are nice however I prefer iRiver, they have a built in FM, color, 20Ghd, voice record, memo, media storage capacity and lots of other features that ipods dont offer. btw, be careful and what you say and do, it may bite you in the a@#! Good to hear the good news though, be careful...
  6. chgolatin2

    What's your ethnic background?

    Amor Puertorriqueno and a American Soldier aka LATINO!!! Latin
  7. chgolatin2

    Powder Conversion Instructions

    How about Tren Pellets, conversion, lets say 30ml? Any info? Thanks! Latin
  8. chgolatin2

    BA/BB how do I figure proper %

    flex, well the only thing that I have experience with is with 50ML (kit version) but would like to know more about 20 and 30ml. Sorry bro, not very good in math! lol Latin
  9. chgolatin2

    New member saying HELLO!!

    Hey cannons, WAZ UP! Yeah I hope ASN doesnt go down completely, which I dont think it will. A lot good bro's there.
  10. chgolatin2

    New member saying HELLO!!

    Hello Bro's & Sis, ChgoLatin2 aka Latin new member here, saying hello! Great board!!! New member here but well known on other boards such as ASN, VIPBB. Ciao! Latin
  11. chgolatin2

    Another Fina conversion thread

    Bro, not a flame but "RIF" reading is fundamental! With 81 post you should already know how to make tren the proper way, so many methods are posted, searching the internet will give you the right answers. You have to be kidding about the DMSO route correct? Btw, your stats would be...
  12. chgolatin2

    I want to make Trenbolon, but how?

    Hey lee, just like marmass stated try to conversion forum, or do a simple search all the answers are right here if you want them, all you have to do is look for them! Latin
  13. chgolatin2

    BA/BB how do I figure proper %

    Can anybody guide me in the right direction as to how can I figure the proper percentage BB/BA for different ML's? Let's say 10ml, 20ml and so on so forth. Not a genious in math just need simple guidance. Any help would be appreciated, thanks! Latin