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  1. Pumped78

    Good Bye

    I just got here but i think u should stay as well
  2. Pumped78


    all women who arent gf's or wives are whores.
  3. Pumped78

    Saturday Nights

    Bro when u have a goal, its no surprise to sit in on a Sat. nite or any nite for that matter.
  4. Pumped78

    24yrs old DEAD from Slin...

    Very sorry for your loss man, that really sux. but a combination of all those things isnt a good thing at all.
  5. Pumped78


    Arms-over 18 Thigh- 25 in forearm- 15 3/4 waist-26 in Weight- 185-190 lbs BF- about5%
  6. Pumped78

    What does everyone currently weigh??

    5'7 185 lbs very low bf
  7. Pumped78

    WTF is up with my dog?

    thats hilarious....lmmmfao
  8. Pumped78

    realistic fat loss expectations

    I can say from my experience is that every1's results are individual.
  9. Pumped78

    Arnold Classic

    Lee at 6th any1 have any pics
  10. Pumped78


    I have no desire, in my mind if any1 should be getting paid its me i am the bodyrocker and i do all the work, so when i lay them down and take them to loveland, they will know whatsup after that.
  11. Pumped78

    whos your dream girl

    Honestly too many to name
  12. Pumped78

    Post Competition Life

    same here
  13. Pumped78

    F**ked around and won that shit.

    nice bro, i won a hot bod contest as well, funny shit
  14. Pumped78

    who jerks off even when they have a girlfriend?

    I do constantly once a day to keep the natural balance
  15. Pumped78

    This NEVER gets old! lmao, oh arnold

    thats awesome, best part of the movie
  16. Pumped78

    my progress so far

    looking good man keep it up
  17. Pumped78

    Moments in life

    Moments in Life There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! When the door of happiness closes, another opens; but often times we look so long at the closed door that we don't see the one,which has been opened for...