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  1. soma

    Clostebol Acetate recipe?

    Clostebol acetate - bump Bump for anyone’s input.
  2. soma

    injectable carnitine homebrew

    Here is what I did. I just tried to do distilled h20 and 1% BA. 20grams of regular l-carnitine. Mixed in powder and h20. Swirled-/shook. Added the BA. Was a little cloudy at this concentration (500mg/ml) and I thought it wasn’t all dissolved. I kept examining it and it did look like it was...
  3. soma

    M1t or SD cycle?'? i need help thanks!

    I used hardrock supps superdrol and didnt have good luck with it i was using 2 brands and switched to the hardrock version and that was about the worst i felt on superdrol. ive used other brands with good luck but that one made me feel like dog crap.
  4. soma

    King Krypto and XtremeIncense

    From what i've read the "canabanoids" in it are synthetic like already said...but do not resemble the THC molecule at all. So they are just THC receptor agonists with varying binding affinities for the two types of THC receptors it seems(b/t the diff. types of synthetics in circulation). Kinda...
  5. soma

    King Krypto

    King Krypto XtremeIncense - Legit Hah - I simply joined this group because I researched King Krypto and you all were discussing it. Been a member on here for years now browsing forums if you can't see my sign up date. Just trying to help refer a place that actually delivers. I actually ordered...
  6. soma

    true protein PEA PROTEIN

    High in Glutamine too ! im using some right now- fluffier than whey. I mix mine with whey though and if it sits for a while it kinda separates and fluffs up on top. I just mix it back up and no problems.
  7. soma

    My IGF experiences...

    I have always used IGF-1 post workout and have gotten decent results. When you use preworkout do you notice more than just a better pump in the gym than when applying post workout? Ive wondered if the application before the workout could inhibit MGF release...or would that even matter for...
  8. soma

    King Krypto

    Just tried this stuff last weekend. The King Krypto and a Serenity one. I smoke occasionally and this definitely felt very very VERY similar. My friend who is in the military got his from the same site actually mentioned in here - xtremeincense. keep your kitchen stocked !!:chicken: