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  1. kdog

    Brag or complain about something Gym related....

    It REALLY pisses me off that I get "talked to" for practicing my posing and taking off my shirt to lunge outside while fat folks can prance around the gym in what ever skimpy, nasty, completely inappropriate clothing they would like...grrrrrrrrrr
  2. kdog

    Contest prep

    Thanks fellas... prob use some yams... Travel is going to be a pain, but will make it work... Just don't want to bloat... Anybody else doing the Jr USA??? Gonna drop water on friday to see what I look like.... soooo close!
  3. kdog

    Contest prep

    Hey guys, been a while.... Prepping for the Jr. Usa's... About 12d out... Sitting at 202# and shooting for light heavy... Question is what do you guys carb up with? I have eaten exclusively brown rice this time and had good luck. I eat oats after I train and just feel really distended...
  4. kdog

    stopped gaining added ground beef

    Hamburger helper with 92% lean ground beef (2lbs instead of 1) and 1/2 box brown rice.... Makes about 3 meals... Always puts good solid meat on...
  5. kdog

    Good morning MC!

    sup guys... anybody else get woke up by the earthquake this morning???
  6. kdog

    Good friday morning my little mc goers!

    Sup fellas... can't wait for the w/e
  7. kdog


    I see the surgeon on Thurs... will let you know how it goes. Odd b/c it doesn't hurt anymore... only when I squat and it POPS!! :lurk:
  8. kdog


    I was squating sofr sets of 5... last set and on rep for went down and heard "pop...pop" but no pain... rep five same shit... No pain until the next morning. It catches and feels like my knee is going to explode... Apperently this won't get better without surg... Not as swollen now, but...
  9. kdog


    Tore my meniscus.... shows this year.... surgery soon.... bummed
  10. kdog

    new member

    WHAT UP!?!? Welcome...
  11. kdog

    T3 basic dosage protocal?

    I only use synthroid which is T4, but again tapering is sooo important to prevent thyroid dysfunction.... I taper up and down, only staying at my goal dose for about 6w... Works well, but this is a dangerous hobby... No need to be careless...
  12. kdog

    Sweet progress- but need advice!!

    I do cardio a little differently. I am pretty low intensity (shoot for a HR about 130-140)... I feel it is a little easier on the joints and may prevent going so catabolic... I do it 1st thing in the am on an empty stomach... Pretty standard advice, but what i would do is drop carbs a touch...
  13. kdog


    i have a bottle on the way... will add to current reg... i will let ya know what happens
  14. kdog

    Leg day

    My wonderful gym actually removed its hack!?!
  15. kdog

    3500+ Calorie Diet

    what is your weight now? Bulking is fun, but i have to go up slow on my calories. I really need to get my metabolism moving before eating that much b/c I also like to stay at about 12% at my heaviest... At about 4500 now and often feel like I am going to explode!!!
  16. kdog

    Leg day

    So here is what we came up with for today... pretty good weights... will be hurting for the next few days... Squats 315x5; 365x5; 405x5; 455x5; 495x5 Leg press 4plates/ side x12; 6plates x12; 8plates x15 Leg extensions 170x12; 190x12; 215x15 with a 20 sec hold at end calf raise 3x15 at 250...
  17. kdog

    Leg day

    Just looking to mix things up for me and my training group... Anybody have any intense leg routines they could post? We usually start with heaavy squats followed by leg press and extensions. OUt to kill these guys today..
  18. kdog

    MC Clothing Poll

    that would be awesome... definately would be interested
  19. kdog

    MuscleMag Article

    Awesome bro! That is the goal!!!