Brag or complain about something Gym related....

I have a complaint. I hate coming in to a sloppy gym. Why is it so hard to put things back where you got them from?!?! If you want to drag a 45 plate over to use for back extensions, fine. If you want a 25 plate to hold while doing crunches, fine. If you bring a set of DBs over to the decline bench for some presses, fine....but put the crap back where it goes. This morning I walked into the little gym I work out at and there were dumbbells scattered everywhere, back extension machine in the middle of the floor, plates everywhere. I don't get it. I ended up putting everything back where it went and guess what, it took me about 2-3 minutes for everything. If each person would just put their own crap back it would take no time. Grrrrrrrr. I would hate to see what these slob's houses look like if that's how they leave things at the gym!!! Drives me crazy!!!

dude i feel your pain i used to work the graveyard shift at a gym in town, I had surgery while i worked there on my shoulder so it was rough racking all the weights. Well i come in there one night and every dumbell from the 160's to 120's is laying on the ground about 30 feet from where they belong. I have no idea why but i was in so much pain that night just from jerking the weights up on the rack. People dont care if its not theirs and then most of the time they still dont care. Its sad when people dont even respect things that belong to them. I see the gym as partially mine i pay for my membership when im in there i take care of the stuff. Not many people think like that anymore though.
Why can't people take weights off the bars and put them back where they belong? I hate going from bench to bench, machine to machine, to collect enough plates to leg press with. If you are a big enough hardass to load a crap load of weights on the bar, then you are a big enough man to take them off when you're done. Especially in a place that has about ten 45lb plates.

Most of the time these people do a rep or two, leave their sweat all over everything, and then leave. I might be somewhat of a slob at home *looks at tower of Faygo cans* but I'm at least respectful enough to rack stuff where I got it.

Before I started training serious, it was just awesome (:rolleyes:) to have the 40 year old guys who are BARELY even in shape giving me shit for not lifting as much as they do or being as big. Come on, I was maybe 18-19 at the time and wasn't really into bodybuilding much. Fast forward a few years, I'm bigger than they ever were and doing a hell of a lot more. So I guess that can be a complaint and a brag.
some ass has moved all the weights to the other side of the gym so now if u are doing back u have to walk nay shimey past the people doing bench press to put away your weights before u had a rack right next to the lat machines/row ect with 200 300kg there what a dumb ass.he said it was because people where not puting there weight away.i said this is a tiny gym now no 1 will put there weight s away because u have to do an assult course to get there.
if these people trained for jsut 1 sec of there lives they would see what a stupid idea it was.
having to walk side ways past guys doing bench with 20kg weights in each hand or what ever.
rant over thanks for listening
^^^ i hear you there bro if it comes to something like that with the gym owners i just leave the weights laying there, Im not gonna risk injury tearing something in my knee etc. carrying 80 or 100 pound db's across the gym after im already fatigued. Take the heaviest weights they have over there and just leave them. Tell him that when the rack is back on that side then you will have the ability to put them up. Im sure after a week or so of him having to lug those heavy things around he will move it back.
no, he didn't have a headset. he had his head cocked to the side to hold the phone in place. and he had 2 of his "bench buddies" spotting him.

this guy was part of the gang of skinny cut guys that tries to lift weight about twice as heavy as he can handle.

LMAO! I would have laughed out loud seeing that. What a dumbass!
Why can't people take weights off the bars and put them back where they belong? I hate going from bench to bench, machine to machine, to collect enough plates to leg press with. If you are a big enough hardass to load a crap load of weights on the bar, then you are a big enough man to take them off when you're done. Especially in a place that has about ten 45lb plates.

Most of the time these people do a rep or two, leave their sweat all over everything, and then leave. I might be somewhat of a slob at home *looks at tower of Faygo cans* but I'm at least respectful enough to rack stuff where I got it.

Before I started training serious, it was just awesome (:rolleyes:) to have the 40 year old guys who are BARELY even in shape giving me shit for not lifting as much as they do or being as big. Come on, I was maybe 18-19 at the time and wasn't really into bodybuilding much. Fast forward a few years, I'm bigger than they ever were and doing a hell of a lot more. So I guess that can be a complaint and a brag.

I totally agree with this! I take the weights off if only for the sake of females...cause even "only leaving one 45lb on each side" can be a real task for a small woman to get off.

what gets me is the guys that leave plates on, act like they dont have time to take them off. These are the same guys that "rest" 15 fucking minutes between "sets". They act like they are so busy circuit training or something.

If you can 1/4 press alot of weight and then walk around the gym like youre conan, you can take all that weight off ya pricks!
It REALLY pisses me off that I get "talked to" for practicing my posing and taking off my shirt to lunge outside while fat folks can prance around the gym in what ever skimpy, nasty, completely inappropriate clothing they would like...grrrrrrrrrr
^ ^ ^ I completely agree with that one. What the hell is wrong with being big and muscular??
I totally agree with this! I take the weights off if only for the sake of females...cause even "only leaving one 45lb on each side" can be a real task for a small woman to get off.


Just because I'm capable of lifting 45's, doesn't mean I want to take several plates off each side of a squat rack or leg press because some lazy schmuck left them on there like they're all hardcore. I don't need to exhaust myself further re-racking someone ELSE'S weights before getting into my own next set.