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    About CrimsonSweat

    I was informed by CrimsonSweat's family that he was in a serious car accident recently. I decided to call since it had been awhile since Ive heard from him. I dont know much about his status, I didnt want to pry, but Im not sure if he will be back for awhile. Wish him the best bros.
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    Mr. Winkie (not for the squeemish)

    Good motto my friend. I wasnt being serious, I dont think I could abuse my good buddy like that. lol :D
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    Mr. Winkie (not for the squeemish)

    AMEN to that I wonder if spot injections straight in the wang would make it larger?? :arcade: j/k
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    WTF is going on with my cycle?

    Thats what i was thinking. I get tired & crappy feeling around week 2 or 3. It happens to some of my bro's too.
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    Human grade vs Vet shit....

    What about a respected UG lab? I feel thats the best bang for the buck. The good stuff (human) can get pretty $$ at times. I havent touched mex Vet & probably wont ever use it. Isnt EQ a vet only.
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    Test only cycles?

    Test onlys are the bomb. Simple & effective. Maybe throw in an oral because waiting a few weeks for the Test to get going kinda sux for me. lol
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    capsule filler powder formula needed.

    Here is a post i dug up from another site. Making some goodies eh Crim. :D lozgod WCB Member Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: Home Posts: 32 Capping Orals With Accuracy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This thread was created by my good friend...
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    capsule filler powder formula needed.

    On page 2 of this link should be calculations for capping powders. capping powders I think that might help.
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    Not gaining much.....WHY?

    You're gonna gain some chub when you bulk. There is no getting around it. I find that it actually hinders gains when you worry to much about gaining some bad weight. For me anyway. I agree with all the other good advice you were given in that you need to up your intake more. More protein, more...
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    D-bol Tabs??

    I dont feel there is a need to bash the vets on this board. They were simply trying to give you an opinion which you asked for BTW. Damn bro, lay off the Tren, you seem to have some anger issues.
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    can anyone help?

    Wow I didnt know that. The results would be interesting to see.
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    can anyone help?

    You know, I may be biased but I dont think gear in the military should be an issue. I mean you are going to be a soldier. So I would think that you would want to be in the best shape possible. So I vote to include a needle in every MRI pack. :P
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    Getting back into the game

    I concure. Definatly ease back into things. No need to jump back in and take any goodies. You might just injure yourself more. Just my 2cc's
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    I personally dislike paypal. My acc was froze for some dumb reason when I was trying to switch money over from my bank acc.
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    ::all Natural Pb Fudge (no Sugar)::

    mmmm I'm a sucker for PB.
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    Test E/ Deca blend

    I know some UG's make it with decent feedback. I've personally never tried any of them but I thought i would give it a shot. Maybe I'll start with 10ml & give it to one of my bro's to try. :P lol I was looking at maybe a 750mg T enth & 600mg d cycle this winter & was looking to cut down on oil...
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    Test E/ Deca blend

    I'm kinda throwing around the idea of a Test E/ Deca blend. Probably at 250mg & 200mg. I'm looking to make 100ml. What % of BA & BB do ya'll recommend to get this to hold?
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    Hello Bro's

    Thanks guys. Been learning alot reading over in the Lab conversion forum getting ready for my first cookout.
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    Ephedrine HCL

    The guys at my work eat that stuff like candy. Damn graveyard shift. I hate that it has guafensin in it. It being an expectorant, it makes me cough if I take to much.
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    Hello Bro's

    Got turned on to this place by Crimson so I thought I'd drop by & check it out. Damn this is a pretty big board ya'll have here. :wave: