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  1. M

    Lets Talk About Peptides...

    Have you found the dosis for it yet? I am also curious.
  2. M

    Free MCAS Lottery. WIN $200 Gift!

    My number is: 624
  3. M

    Clen On Its Own

    One question: by adding T3 to Clen, what sort of effect I may expect? Further bodyfact reduction than by Clen alone?
  4. M

    Arachidonic acid (X-Factor)??

    Back to the original question. TYes, X'factor its effective. I used while on pct and gained a few pounds and lost bodyfat, not as much as they said, but well, I was on pct... a friend of mine is using it and he says he is getting good results.. but again, he is also on his pct cyle nos.. is...
  5. M

    Anyone know IGF1 from pharmacia el Ramos

    Its good, buit their price is almost twice or three times as much as IGF from elsewhere, including MC.
  6. M

    MC's 800 number?

    Very good. I will send you my info directly to you right now.
  7. M

    MC's 800 number?

    What info? You also take care of MC's orders?
  8. M

    MC's 800 number?

    Anybody can give me MC's 800 number? I palced an order more than a week ago but nobody replies my emails and Presser isnt reading his private messages.. :curse:
  9. M

    keynoselene....anyone ever tried this

    Well, IM was VERY painful for me.
  10. M

    keynoselene....anyone ever tried this

    Its basically an anticatabolic. Excellent as a bridge between cycles, or just to reduce budyfat. People inject it subcutaneously and its good that way, but it is also used to induce localized growth if injected in a muscle. The problem is that if you do that it hurts like hell!
  11. M

    Use of T3-t4 during IGF cycle?

    Thanks! Well, I will be running 2 iu per day of HGH only, as I have been running it in the past 8 weeks (while bulking), and will use some 40mcg per day everiday with it.
  12. M

    Use of T3-t4 during IGF cycle?

    I am at the end of my bulking cycle and will start using IGF during PCT, but my other aim is to reduce bodyfat.. I am planning to use T3-T4 tabs for 4 weeks, along the IGF. Any comments? :confused:
  13. M

    LR3IGF-I + GH -- Synergistic?

    Good, but dont combine T3 and Humalog. Together they are counterproductive. I cannot tell you why, I read it on several forums.