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  1. C

    Pudgy Belly

    I'm afraid I am not patient enough then b/c I have been doing cardio 5x a week for one month (45 min), I have kept my diet clean (high protein, low carbs) and I still have that belly problem (I seem to have lost weight everywhere else though).
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    I used to take the caps. They are really fantastic as appetite suppressant. I didn't experience any unpleasant side effect except a dry mouth.
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    Primobolan for women

    I ran Primo last year as my 1st cycle and I have some unpleasant side-effects, probably b/c the dosage was too high: 1ml/100mg once a week during 10 weeks. Anyway, the gains in strength and lean mass were very good and I'm gonna run it again in the future. Just hesitating between Anavar and...
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    I'm gonna run Anavar in a while but not for PCT.
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    PCT or not

    100mg (1ml) once a week for 10 weeks.
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    PCT or not

    I'm ending my 1st cycle (Primobolan) and I want to know if I need some PCT. Guys on another board told me I don't, others tell me I definitely should. What do you think? Thanks for your advice.
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    ((((((((((SYNTHETEK PRODUCTS))))))))))

    I might give it a try. What product should I use to reduce my bodyfat? Thanks for the info.
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    Females And Roids

    All I can tell you is that I crave sex all the time now that I'm juicing. I don't know if it's because I feel more self-confident or b/c of the Primo but I am horny :o
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    front squats

    I have a bad knee and don't do any squats except the hack squat.
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    Can anyone confirm this info? Thanks.
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    asthmatics and clen

    I would advise your wife not to take too much clen. I used to take one dose of Ventipulmin (veterinary version of clen) and the side-effects were quite scary (sweating, shaking, headache). Now that I have reduced the dose to a minimum, all that has disappeared. It will probably take more time...
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    Peanuts are good for your heart

    I have stolen this from MuscleMag International. Finally something that tastes good is actually good for you. A diet rich in peanuts and peanut butter is better than a low-fat diet for your heart. During a 6-month study conducted at Penn State University, subjects used peanut butter instead of...
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    Starving at night-time

    I have always a shake ready just in case.
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    booze and training

    If you don't overdo it, the only side-effect you will expect is putting on some fat.........
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    Interesting Read on Blood Pressure and AAS users

    Very interesting topic, Bignick! I had a complete check-up last week and the results were good (they didn't detect the Primo in my blood). My blood pressure remains the same: 12/7 which is better than before (I had 10/7). The only thing they noticed is the fact that I was taking creatine (I...
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    Site Enhancing Oils (synthol) - a how to guide

    I read some interesting info about that stuff but someone told me I shouldn't use it for several reasons. Can anyone tell me more about the positive/negative aspects of this gear? Thanks a lot. There is another product I find interesting (from the same source, Synthetek): it's Kynoselen. Has...
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    ******* Alert!

    Everyone should stick to GenXXLGear. It's the most trustworthy source: top quality products and great service!
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    Post cycle depression

    If you completed that survey about use of AAS, you must have noticed how many questions were asked about that post cycle depression, anxiety, sleeping problems. So I guess that is quite normal when you are off AAS to feel low (my X does anyway, he feels better as soon as he is on AAS again...
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    Check this new feature at British Dragon to prevent Fakes being sold

    Wow, thanks for the link, MrX. It's quite useful. A friend of mine once received fake Primo :surprised Anyway, I know where to order BD products (real ones).
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    I did when I just had mine done but beware though not to touch it (it could become a lil infected in the process). Remember it has to heal since there will be a little scab on it real soon.