Pudgy Belly

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I am fairly active, but I don't have a set workout routine except that I run a half mile about 4 - 5 days a week. Most of the time I eat very little. I am 5' 5" and I weigh 152. For the most part, I am not fat, EXCEPT my belly. I blame this on having three kids. (Gotta blame it on something...) I have done sit ups and crunches out the ying yang and they do nothing. They don't even make me sore anymore. Am I doing them wrong? My abs are very VERY strong, just covered by fat. Is there anything else that I can do to aid in helping lose this fat (other than surgery)? ANY help would be greatly appreciated!
Diet is the key...you need to eat clean...also, cardio needs to be increased to about 30-45 minutes rather than just going out for a quick run. That will help you tremendously!
I agree w/ missfit

You have to do more then just sit ups. You need full body training w/ the right diet. Also not hardly eating is not good.
You should read up on the right way to diet. This site has lots of info on the subject.
I also have kids and it has been a strugle to try to get in shape.
Missy mailed it for you, dial in the diet and hit the cardo 4-5X week and you'll get where you want. But be patient b/c its a slow process.
da_Fonz said:
Missy mailed it for you, dial in the diet and hit the cardo 4-5X week and you'll get where you want. But be patient b/c its a slow process.

I'm afraid I am not patient enough then b/c I have been doing cardio 5x a week for one month (45 min), I have kept my diet clean (high protein, low carbs) and I still have that belly problem (I seem to have lost weight everywhere else though).
if you're losing weight that is a good thing, your belly is often the last place to lose it for some. What you should do is incorporate a weight lifting routine into your program and the more muscle you build the faster your metabolism will be and the more fat you will burn while at rest. Combined with the PROPER diet you should start seeing the fat melt away.
Diet, increase cardio, sweat alot, wear sweats or even plastics if u really want to lose it, do ab workouts on an empty stomach, do more ab workouts, increase reps, eat lots of protein. Unhealthy way: eat alot less and workout alot more, alot of sweating when u workout, no alcohol, soda or fried foods.
I feel for ya!! I used to be out of shape. I started lifting and running in high school and have never went back to the old me ---thank goodness!!

Here is how I over came it... Junk food is allowed when cravings are strong. Want a cookie have ONE, want a milk shake...SHARE one or only drink part of it. Remember it is okay to not eat all of your food. As kids we are taught to eat everything on our plate and it is extremely hard to unlearn anything.

Eat a candy bar or cookie VERY slowly. I got to the point where I would have 2 bites of a snickers and decide that was good enough to satisfy my craving and throw it away. I ended up becoming the envy of all the girls, but want to know something?!?! ANYONE can do it!! Yes, even you!!! It will fall into place when you listen to your body...once it is satisfied leave it alone. No more food.

Drink a tall glass of water 20 minutes before you eat...this was key for me. And run your heart out. Pick a distance and run/ walk it. A slow run is perfect for beginning so you won't hate it. A slow run consists of just enough energy to be hard, but slow enough to be able to talk to someone running next to you without being out of breath.

I hear if you can get another person to workout with that is awesome. Unfortunately, not everyone has that luxury. I can't even get men to workout...lazy alcoholics!! :curse:

Yoga is great if you are not much of lifter. I started out with yoga, because of my flexibility. I love twisting myself in the weirdest and most refreshing positions, but it also requires a lot of strength. The more advanced you get the more strength you'll need.

And last but definitely just as important...engage in fun physical activities. Not only did I run everyday and workout, but I roller bladed with my friend, walked trails, and biked with her. She thought we were just having fun...if I would have told her it was a good workout...oh boy...she'd say forget it!!

Where I'm from...if a girl works out she is messed up in the head and looked down on. But someday I'll run into someone (just like you will) who will say..."Crap, you're hot" even if we are toned and can run faster and farther than them. Yeehaw!! Waitin' for that day, man!!

The most important thing is to love the way you look. For me...I love good definition on me...guys around here don't. Too bad for them, huh?

What I'm saying is I started out a lot like you...and now I've got good shape and some definition. You will too!!! I promise...just find a physical activity you love, eat small amounts of food, but often, and drink lots and lots of water. In 2 years you won't even believe you had a belly, because your abs, arms, and legs will be so solid you'll worry about people getting hurt if they run into you!!!

Good luck to you!!! I know you can do it!!! I did…therefore you can too!!!!!!