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  1. 3

    Good Bye

    To everyone on here who wasn't an asshole while I was here.....Good Luck it's been real. I have difference with some people here and am leaving!!!
  2. 3

    Omna Pain!!

    I would but this would give the wife more ammo. She dosen't agree with it totally but I try to avoid showing her any negative signs of use. It just lights a match and she starts with I told you not to mess with that stuff!!! I'll deal with the pain but thanks....
  3. 3

    Omna Pain!!

    300/ml QV300
  4. 3

    tren cycle help?

    That much prop you better get a heating pad for the shoulders.....
  5. 3

    Tren cough

    Get some vicks cough drops....LOL
  6. 3

    what is best brand name hgh?

    both are great IMO
  7. 3

    Anyone else sweat alot?

    This is a love hate type of question...Sometimes in the cold I love to be hot but it sucks in the summer cause I have to stay out the sun or else I feel like a wet dog!!!
  8. 3

    Omna Pain!!

    I am doing 600 of deca already sorry if I didn't post that
  9. 3

    tren cycle help?

    Tren cycle equals no sex drive....I wish then I wouldn't think with my dick!!! I wish I had tren before I got married I would have saved a ton of headaches and money!!!
  10. 3

    Poll: Which would you rather look like?

    I love that comment when people say I never wanna look like the guy in the mag....yet when the freaks are in the gym the others can't stop staring in jealousy.....Please if you didn't wanna look that way why go to the gym????They could just stay home and get fat and happy and see how many chicks...
  11. 3

    Creatine How long on , and off

    Just stay on!!!! Go to one person for advice don't take advice from 20 different people cause you will be like a mexican jumping bean.....You results will be all over the place if you listen to everyone....Find one solid person to talk to and stay with it.....
  12. 3

    Omna Pain!!

    Read above IP I am using Deca
  13. 3

    has anyone heard of Sus-A_ton 375???

    everyone read above where I posted how he makes it 375!!!!! IP's amps are filled with 1.5 ml per amp all it is in the amp is Sustanon 250 with an extra .5ml which is 125mg more!!!! LET'S do the math 250 plus an extra 125 equals 375 Are we all on the same page now!!!
  14. 3

    Creatine How long on , and off

    you really don't need to cycle creatine I personally take 10g in the morning and 10g before PM workout....It's not toxic on the system don't worry about it. What's with your height in your signature???how can you go from 5'8 to 6' depending if you wear shoes??? Are you wearing high heels???
  15. 3

    Omna Pain!!

    Thanks bro.....It's a bitch but I still love it!!!! Kinda like the wife she's a bitch but I still love her too
  16. 3

    Omna Pain!!

    I just started a cycle of omna and finishing Deca..I mixed 1cc of omna and 1 of deca and man my shoulder is in some good pain this morning......I love this shit!!!
  17. 3

    has anyone heard of Sus-A_ton 375???

    Come on guys look into IP gear first he is one of the most reputable UG labs on the Eastcoast now...Stop trying to scare a brother to think he got bunk gear...
  18. 3

    mm... little confused.

    post pics...
  19. 3

    Anyone else sweat alot?

    I only started sweating like crazy since starting the juice
  20. 3

    proviron 25mg

    25 to 75 a day is good