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  1. P

    Need to bitch

    Dude, I can so relate to what you're saying. I was mid cycle here in March and caught the flu from hell. Laid me flat for about 3 days, but it took a good two weeks to shake it completely. One of the worst flu's I've had in years. I felt like I poured my money down the drain. It's bad enough to...
  2. P

    Introduce Myself

    I'm here!! I read the posts as often as I can. Sorry I haven't been more active. It's just so fricking time consuming trying to look pretty!! LOL I'll hit the boards.
  3. P

    Introduce Myself

    Just to clarify a previous statement I had made when I referenced "a can of regular coke", I only meant immediately post workout. It's long been a practice of mine to ingest some fast burning carbs (yes, sugar) and some fast acting protein right after my workout in order to quickly restore my...
  4. P

    Introduce Myself

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys. I finished a 50 day cycle of IGF on Jan 27th, as I had planned it at 50 mcgs post workout. I experienced no real side effects from the stuff. It was a very mild run. I didn't really notice any dramatic changes either. Perhaps I ran it too low. From what I've...
  5. P

    MC Free Lottery is back! Win $200 towards MC Store

    416 Get it right, or get left.
  6. P

    best arm bulker

    Good genetics don't hurt either.
  7. P

    Introduce Myself

    Thanks MS, sounds like a good idea. What about eating? Is it important to get some carbs in me right away? Anything special I need to consume? I usually have a can of regular coke on the way home just to spike my insulin levels anyway until I can grab some fast digesting carbs. Is this cool?
  8. P

    next cycle

    I love eq and test! Honestly though in my experience, you need to run the eq at 600 mgs/wk for optimal results. And you will get results that last. Less than 600, always seemed that it was just starting to show good results when the cycle is almost over. That's me though. I'm a big fan of...
  9. P

    Introduce Myself

    Thanks guys. I plan on hitting the muscle group worked immediately after the workout. This isn't going to be as risky or carry the sides like insulin is it? From what I've read, the only real side is fatigue and not everybody even reports that, correct? I don't know why I'm even nervous about...
  10. P

    Introduce Myself

    Hey guys! I plan on using 50mcgs postworkout only and bilaterally in the muscle group worked. I'm in the gym 5 days a week in the evenings. If you have other suggestions, I'm certainly open for it. Like I said, I've never ran this stuff so I'm all ears to those of you who have. I thought I'd run...
  11. P

    Introduce Myself

    Hey everyone! I've been reading your boards now for a few months but never got around to jumping in. I've found that all of my questions or concerns have easily been answered just by browsing and reading the forums. Excellent work guys. I've done several cycles (AAS) and have been wanting to try...