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  1. D

    Good read I found on

    Optimizing Your Hormonal Environment: Diet and Anabolic Synergy By David Barr Whether or not you’re currently using, if you’re reading this there’s no doubt that you’re training your ass off. But how can you ensure that you’re really optimizing your potential? This can only be done if your...
  2. D

    next cycle!

    ^^^ I have also, but I agree besides a bit more strength I only get more joint pain. But its still one of my favs, but I stick to 50 mgs ed.
  3. D

    Jose Canseco fight!!

    I wonder if he will go on cycle for the fight??:rolleyes:
  4. D

    next cycle!

    EQ can give good results, but I feel as though you need to have fairly low BF to start with. Ive got similar results from var, just EQ is MUCH cheaper. For bulking I recommend adding some B-12, I wasnt able to satisfy appetite, I ate until I was sic.
  5. D

    newb question

    EOD injects work well, but Ive seen good results from 2x ew, if you add up the amount of mgs per short ester, you would have to be using heavy dosage to get anything from them. As far as the winny, ed for sure, probably going to be painful. As far as just getting back to the gym I recommend...
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    stimulis checks

    I thought something crawled under one of the machines at the gym and died.......nope guess it was just you buddy. Now Ill try to make our conversations a bit shorter, maybe it wont take 3 hours to train lol!!!JK Your the only one maybe two people worth talking to in that dump !!! ~S~ NO DOUBT...
  7. D

    PWO applications

    Exactly, thats the name of the game. I believe pre and postwork out would be best, splitting muscle cells pre-training then post work-out for slin like nutrient shuttling. GH pre and Igf post is a great combo imo.
  8. D

    Your Anadrol Experiences

    At 50mgs ed I had some BP issues and some water retention (but expected), but nothing to bad could have been to much sodium. At 100mgs ed, I couldnt even get through a work out, I would get such a pump after my second or third exercise I couldnt even train anymore, along with that I would turn...
  9. D

    stimulis checks

    I couldn't agree more, that's what kept me from doing the Atlantic States this June, I couldn't dump all the money in prep when my girlfriend has been sacrificing many of her usual little things. Its sad that once such a great country cant even help the struggling people within their own home...
  10. D

    stimulis checks

    Then you stop paying them and they call everyday!!!!