next cycle!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Its still 4 months away, but im already dreaming up my next cycle. I've been totally cutting body fat, and im hoping 3 months from now ill be down to 10%. I think im done with the bloated look for a while, i want to be lean and hard. So im getting away from Test E, Sticking with prop, and going to use MC's anti-bloat to get rid of the excess for the entire 10 week cycle.

So hear is what its going to look like:

100mgs of prop ed.
100mgs of EQ ed.
100mgs of tren ed (week 6-10)
50mgs of proviron ed.

I want to peak at the end. Its my first time running EQ. Oh, im also going to give syntherol another try. Id love to hit my delts, but i serioulsy need it in my calves.

what do you guys think???
watch your blood pressure...mine can start to climb when i run eq higher than 600mgs a week..i never got great results from eq so i never use it anymore..i would just raise the prop to 125mgs ED since your already use to running it at around a gram if i remember correctly..maybe throw in some var or oral turnibol too...
Sucks cause i want to run tren longer too, but looking at my gear budget and its to damn expensive.

Damn... I've read good and bad about EQ. I was hoping it could give me that vascular look. how hight have you ran EQ? I dont get much from winny, i hope this isnt the same thing.

I was trying to cut down on the higher test. I keep wanting to fuck everything that moves when i go that high... serioulsy!! im not just saying this cause its funny, its a big problem. One of these times im going to get caught.
normalsucks said:
Sucks cause i want to run tren longer too, but looking at my gear budget and its to damn expensive.

Damn... I've read good and bad about EQ. I was hoping it could give me that vascular look. how hight have you ran EQ? I dont get much from winny, i hope this isnt the same thing.

I was trying to cut down on the higher test. I keep wanting to fuck everything that moves when i go that high... serioulsy!! im not just saying this cause its funny, its a big problem. One of these times im going to get caught.
you should look into running tren eth, for me mg for mg its stronger than the ace version..i have run 150mgs EOD of ace and ran only 200mgs a week of the eth version and i got better results, the only things is the sides are more pronounced for me with the eth version, but nothing to serious just night sweats and some occasional insomnia...

i have ran up to 800mgs of eq a week and it didnt really do shit for me but give me a headache, for me its overrated and i dont use it..
Ill check out the I have tried tren E. I dont really see a diffrence in them.... Man, i cant wait... waiting sucks!!
can i get more feedback on EQ? I understand that you need to run it longer, atleast 12 weeks to see the diffrence.
yeah i agree 700mgs a week of tren is a hefty dose...i dont get any more gains from tren after say 400-500mgs a week but the sides become a shit load more pronounced and unbearable especially the insomnia and sweats...
have you run tren at that dose before? that dose would make me a anxious mess...i have gone that high once and for me the sides far outweighed the gains, i was using the acteate ester so i stopped, running the eth ester like that would freaking make me a looney toon..
yep. I dont really have a temper. So, I serioulsy never had a problem with tren.

Do you guys feel that winny is better than EQ????
ok, skip the proviron, im going to add 100mgs of winny ed. Keep the EQ at 600, and just run them both the whole length.
100mgs of prop ed.
100mgs of EQ ed.
100mgs of winny.
100mgs of tren ed (week 6-10)

something like this^^^^
EQ can give good results, but I feel as though you need to have fairly low BF to start with. Ive got similar results from var, just EQ is MUCH cheaper. For bulking I recommend adding some B-12, I wasnt able to satisfy appetite, I ate until I was sic.
have you ever used winny before?
have you ever used it at 100mg/day before?

me, and alot of others, have stated that results were not increased after 50mg/day but sides sure as hell were.
I've done winny at 100mgs per day. I serioulsy never get anything from it. When you say sides, are you referring to ache?
^^^ I have also, but I agree besides a bit more strength I only get more joint pain. But its still one of my favs, but I stick to 50 mgs ed.
normalsucks said:
can i get more feedback on EQ? I understand that you need to run it longer, atleast 12 weeks to see the diffrence.

I think EQ is great as it doesn't bloat and it gives solid muscle over time--I have used it for months at a time at low doses then come off for a month and go back. I never had any sides but I don't know about guys --maybe might have to take some anti e not sure