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  1. T


    I think that's pretty obvious. To me, at least.
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    Not sure I believe this one. How did a bug get in the bottle without having any damage. Notice that the top of the bottle isn't shown. I'd be willing to bet it was tampered with and this is an attempt to drive business elsewhere.
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    HGH- 2 months

    I am jealous now. I need to try some of this for sure......
  4. T

    My MCAS order just arrived!

    Col. I'll give it a shot this way this time. Figure I'll be on PCT when I stop the IGF. Technically I'll be on supps most of the time as the esters were all long with the supps I was using. My next run is all going to be shorter esters cause it will be a cutter. Not sure if I'll run IGF with...
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    My MCAS order just arrived!

    yeah, I started it here but have a hard time finding measurable results. Especially hard since I am finishing up a killer cycle. Like most people have said, it's not a huge size or strength thing, I got that from the anabolics. It's different, just so hard to pinpoint it. I am up to about 60mcg...
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    My IGF log

    Just started my first run of IGF this past week. I am doing 40mcg a day. 20mcg on each side immediately post work out. I am hitting my delts, tris, bis, and chest on work out days. On my off days I apply to my abdomen. Here are a few things I have noticed so far. 1. The stuff causes me to go...
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    My MCAS order just arrived!

    I have been slacking on getting my log up. I'll go ahead and start it now. I'll try to keep it updated as often as possible.
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    My MCAS order just arrived!

    I am doing 40mcg/daily, 20 each side. No calf applications for me. My calves are already big and still get so sore I can hardly walk every time I work them. They kinda dwarf the rest of me if I'm not careful. Hitting bis, tris, delts after workouts and stomach on days off. I am pretty amazed at...
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    My MCAS order just arrived!

    So far I am loving the stuff. It's got a nice little sting wherever I apply it, nothing crazy but its there. I am not sure if this is all in my head but my energy levels are through the roof. It's only been a couple days and I already thiink I see a drop in body this possible? The...
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    My MCAS order just arrived!

    They stopped popping. We had a pretty dramatic change in weather and I thinks that's what caused it.
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    My MCAS order just arrived!

    Just wanted to let everyone know that Presser made good on my order and even sweetened it up for me a bit. It arrived here this afternoon. Thanks Presser, sorry for stirring up a litle mess. No lets see what this IGF does for me. Just hit both bi's. A little burn, nothing too bad. My ears seem...
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    MC Lotto IDEAS!!

    money, money and money. JK. I'd say T-shirts and stuff like that. Maybe gift certificates? tsc
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    reached 270 lbs

    Tats ridiculous.....JK Looking HUGE bud! Congrats
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    Muscle Milk * Consumer Report*

    I don't see that ingredient on the 2 bottles of Muscle Milk I have sitting in front of me. I have the new "improved" formula here. I wonder if it has been removed?.... tsc
  15. T

    broak out on clo

    I used to always get acne on my chest/back when I did any kind of oral supps. Especially with winny and clomid. I found this neutrogena body wash that I use when I am on and it has made a huge difference. I hardly get anything anymore. Bodywash and a tan every once in a while works wonders. tsc
  16. T

    Which MC advanced supp?

    Thanks. I will go ahead and pick up both. I still have my usual anti-e's if needed but it'll be great if these work. Day 10 and I think I see the bloat in my face already :( TSC
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    Which MC advanced supp?

    Hey, I want to support the site so I have decided to buy some Advanced Supplements. Now I am trying to decide which product I should order to keep any bloat away when using Test Cyp and tren with a longer ester. In the past I have found that Test Cyp brings on the bloat so I want to keep it...