reached 270 lbs

thanks for all the comments. I still have 2 and a half months left to bulk before I strat to diet for a show, so we will see just how much more size I can pack on.
Also, when you started what was your body type?

He looks to me like a meso-endo body type with a thick bone structure. Essentially it's the perfect combination to pack on the mass. I'm jealous. I'm ecto-meso at best with a thin bone structure, and I sure wish I could put on mass like that.
He looks to me like a meso-endo body type with a thick bone structure. Essentially it's the perfect combination to pack on the mass. I'm jealous. I'm ecto-meso at best with a thin bone structure, and I sure wish I could put on mass like that.

well Im not sure about what type of bodytype I am. But i have small joints which makes me look 20lbs heavier in person than what I really am. I am just a easy gainer. When I graduated high school I only weighed 155lbs.
well Im not sure about what type of bodytype I am. But i have small joints which makes me look 20lbs heavier in person than what I really am. I am just a easy gainer. When I graduated high school I only weighed 155lbs.

An easy way to tell how much potential in general you have is to measure your wrist circumference (measuring around the bone that sticks out). If you have more than 7", the general consensus is that you can build 21" arms. (Of course there have been a few pros who had smaller measurements, but they were also on huge amounts of anabolics, etc.) You also have the "athletic" look which is pretty much being a mesomorph. Do you find you gain fat easily if you don't watch what you're eating? If you do, then that is the endomorphic part. Most people are a combination between two types.

I have exactly 7", and I was 130 lbs when I graduated high school and up until I was 29 years old. Training my ass off and eating as much as I could I got to 150 at 30 years old. That makes me mainly an ectomorph, but I also had low testosterone so when I was put on HRT, I gained 30 lbs in 3 months. I've gained steadily since then to 210 so I have a bit of mesomorph in me as well.
An easy way to tell how much potential in general you have is to measure your wrist circumference (measuring around the bone that sticks out). If you have more than 7", the general consensus is that you can build 21" arms. (Of course there have been a few pros who had smaller measurements, but they were also on huge amounts of anabolics, etc.) You also have the "athletic" look which is pretty much being a mesomorph. Do you find you gain fat easily if you don't watch what you're eating? If you do, then that is the endomorphic part. Most people are a combination between two types.

I have exactly 7", and I was 130 lbs when I graduated high school and up until I was 29 years old. Training my ass off and eating as much as I could I got to 150 at 30 years old. That makes me mainly an ectomorph, but I also had low testosterone so when I was put on HRT, I gained 30 lbs in 3 months. I've gained steadily since then to 210 so I have a bit of mesomorph in me as well.

my wrist is 7 1/2" and no I do not gain fat easily, and also losing weight is very easy for me to.