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  1. MightyJohn

    TGC is Back!!!

    Vacation is over and The Growth Clinic is back open for business!!! We want to thank our customers that took part of our last sale for cleaning out our inventory once below for an up to date list
  2. MightyJohn

    Top 5 steroids that you like...

    Test, Drol, Mast E, Var, EQ
  3. MightyJohn

    The Growth Clinic-4th Of July SALE!!!

    Thanks for a HUGE 4th of July Sale turnout...all packs are sent and we are taking vacation this week.
  4. MightyJohn

    The Growth Clinic-4th Of July SALE!!!

    Sale Ends Tomorrow Guys...get those orders in
  5. MightyJohn

    My next run.....

    I've always noticed EQ to be tren-like when run high enough without the tren sides..."recomp in a bottle"
  6. MightyJohn

    The Growth Clinic-4th Of July SALE!!!

    SALE UPDATE: Hey Guys, request an up to date list when ordering...inventory is running low on certain items with this sale, thanks.
  7. MightyJohn

    The Growth Clinic-4th Of July SALE!!!

    Hey Bros, We are having a 4th of July Sale...if You haven't had a chance to try Us out now is a great time....Email [email protected] for a list!!!
  8. MightyJohn

    The Growth Clinic-INTRODUCTORY SALE!!!

    Get in on the sale and get freebies on Me
  9. MightyJohn

    The Growth Clinic-INTRODUCTORY SALE!!!

    Awesome Bro...after You receive post a review on experience and products please
  10. MightyJohn

    The Growth Clinic-INTRODUCTORY SALE!!!

    First 3 MC Bros to order get a gift on Me...sooner We get You guys trying Us...sooner the awesome reviews follow
  11. MightyJohn

    The Growth Clinic-INTRODUCTORY SALE!!!

    Right now, freebies given away every order.... FIRST 3 MC MEMBERS TO ORDER GET AN ADDITIONAL GIFT FROM ME.... Let's Get This Party Started
  12. MightyJohn

    The Growth Clinic-INTRODUCTORY SALE!!!

    We are FAR from a new lab, just new to MC(you've been here less then a month with 8 posts...bold) :p
  13. MightyJohn

    The Growth Clinic-INTRODUCTORY SALE!!!

    ATTENTION MUSCLE CHEMISTRY FAMILY: INTRODUCTORY SALE!!! 10% OFF OUR ALREADY AMAZING PRICES FOR MUSCLE CHEMISTRY MEMBERS 1ST ORDER:thumbsup: Request a list in My signature below...I can assure You, You will LOVE the product
  14. MightyJohn

    10 weeks out from NPC Garden State/ 11 weeks out Team U

    C-P...Bro You looked GIGANTIC when I saw You in Vitamin-Shoppe last week
  15. MightyJohn

    Test suspension

    When drawing it...draw in and out several times(breaking up the crystals)I'd do 3-5x before I pull how much I want....then I keep it moving(twisting the shringe in a circular keep it suspended)...then when I'm ready to go...BAM and its in like flint even with a 27g The second You...
  16. MightyJohn

    Has anyone used MK-677?

    I hate it...made Me tired, hungry, bloated, gyno flared and broke-out
  17. MightyJohn

    Option A or B

    I like option 1, primo is too often faked, it'll cut down on injects