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  1. V

    IGF Feedback and Questions

    WHAT ABOUT PAIN. I didnt have pain with last igf. iv tryed backloading with bac water but still pretty sore what do you recomend
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    To much Anti - E's slow muscle gains down...

    Thanks bro appreciate the input
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    To much Anti - E's slow muscle gains down...

    Im running armidex with cyp and just started igf1 lr3,hcg and clen...should be fine without nolvadex at this point ... since you wont take armidex what do you recomend aromasin alone?
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    The Testosterone Toolbox

    very informative thanks for taking time to compile data
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    Getting cut

    I love tren but the acne kills me for come reason im fine with cyp (on 600mg a week) right now and minimal acne. I take doxycycline which also helps but tren makes me bust out
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    musclechemistry sale

    First off what is chemical in aqua, second is aqua side affects like dnp allot of sweating or could you please ellaborate thanks placing another order and want to load up
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    MC supp. question

    anyone know what <link rel="File-List" href="file:///C:%5CUsers%5Cadmin%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml"><link rel="themeData" href="file:///C:%5CUsers%5Cadmin%5CAppData%5CLocal%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_themedata.thmx"><link rel="colorSchemeMapping"...
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    To much Anti - E's slow muscle gains down...

    I wasnt aware it could help with acne you say letro...can you ellaborate..excuse my ignorance...iv only used armidex, nolva and clomid it im covered taking armidex which is a ai as well
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    Powder IGF-1 LR3 mix and use

    yea thanks i ordered 2 bottled (presser thank you) the mean time I need to find some BA can you buy it at domestic pharmacy or similiar stores?
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    Powder IGF-1 LR3 mix and use

    ok thanks I also pm'd u about my order im placing today
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    Powder IGF-1 LR3 mix and use

    What do you recomend I do then? I need to get thru this bottle so I can use mc. I have one sealed bottled igf-1 with flip / pop top ...what do you recommend I do?
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    Powder IGF-1 LR3 mix and use

    I have mixed hcg before but only needed 1 ml for 3 shots ... I now have 1mg that ill be breaking into 20 50mcg shots using bac water. Whats best way to mix the bac and powder and then store for daily injections? Thanks in advance