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  1. (N)shape

    multi vitamins

    I've been taking 3D Multi and have really liked it. I like it for the vegetable and fruit complex.
  2. (N)shape

    Carbs at night, good or bad when trying to lose weight

    Besides the individualization of it, it also depends on what diet you're doing and when you train.....if you're carb backloading then nighttime is when you pound the carbs, if you workout late in the afternoon or in the evening then carbs at night is no big deal,
  3. (N)shape

    Your gym...

    mInE tOo :p
  4. (N)shape

    special protien shake

  5. (N)shape

    Even Gay Dudes can throw a football

    Of course they would say that......Glen Coffee RB (Jr.) was there, Glen Parker Wilson (Sr.) was their QB, Terrance Cody (Jr.) D-Line was their can't remember who else was their but if they would have won they wouldn't of been "restructuring"
  6. (N)shape

    Tricep Tendonitis

    Another thing that could help is Tart Cherry Concentrate. I don't have joint issues but a lot of people I know particularly some older people with joint and tendon issues swear by this stuff. In fact since taking it regularly some of them have gone off their prescription meds.
  7. (N)shape

    No more Tuna!

    I have a hard time with eggs now too, I just ate too many and now they never sound good. Same thing with Tuna.
  8. (N)shape

    Whole food or shake preworkout

    I work out at 5 a.m. now so I take my pre workout drink (currently All American EFX K-OTIC) and take a serving of ALL American EFX LBA for a good protein source that gets in my system fast. I sip on StarChem Labs Evolution X7 during my workout (it has 7g of Leucine) and then postworkout have a...
  9. (N)shape

    Even Gay Dudes can throw a football

    No, Saban was there. Bama looked awesome today.
  10. (N)shape

    Even Gay Dudes can throw a football

    and the year before little ole UTAH beat bama down!
  11. (N)shape

    Even Gay Dudes can throw a football

    100% agree, great post!
  12. (N)shape

    What is the one supplement that must have?

    For me it's pre workout supplements. I like a lot of them but I just like the energy and feeling I get from them. Note: (strictly my opinion) but......Because protein is so important for everybody I don't consider it a supplement but rather a necessity
  13. (N)shape

    best prohormone ever made ?

    Powerlab Primabol stacked with Powerlab Halotren. I ran both for 8 weeks using Liver Clean the whole time adding in NOESTROGEN for weeks 5-8 and using POST-CYCLE weeks 9-12. I gained ~12 lbs of good muscle, very little water retention, I kept my gains and increased strength.
  14. (N)shape

    time is running out for the bench press comp.

    I have a powerlifting meet this week and then I'll do it.
  15. (N)shape

    1,3 Dimethylamylamine

    primaFORCE 1,3 Dimethylamylamine is a good product too.
  16. (N)shape


    1.M.R is awesome! I really like it. I take all my pre workout supps 8 weeks and switch so I don't get too use to one. You can enter for a free one too:
  17. (N)shape

    Push Ups

    I lived in a foreign country for a while and a lot of the time the gym was out of the question so I did 200 pushups every morning (usually 4 sets of 50) and anytime I went to the gym my bench was great I didn't lose like I thought I would and my chest size increased a lot....not sure why the...
  18. (N)shape

    Animal Products

    I'm not currently taking Animal Nitro but I really like it! It's especially good for those who work out early in the am and don't want to make a shake and have it sitting in their stomach digesting during their workout. It's a little pricey but if used just on workout days 1 pak pre and post it...
  19. (N)shape


    Thanks Presser!!
  20. (N)shape


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