Search results

  1. neonlizard

    The Next Generation of HGH Boosters

    My favorite is Anamorelin. It's hard to source but found it here... for now anyway. I was getting the Genetix GH+ but that dissappeared so this GH Beast is what I'm using now. The hunger spikes are insane but that's a good thing if you're trying to put on weight. Any other brands anyone...
  2. neonlizard

    Nootropics and workouts.

    Hey guys! So I've added in nootropics to my daily supplement regime and it's helped me focus much more in the gym. Was hoping to see what you guys think about this one that I came across, it's a little different than anything I've seen before. It's called Brain Nerd and it...
  3. neonlizard

    Contest Prep, T3 and Atrial Fibrillation!!

    So I haven't posted on here in a while so hey everyone. So, getting ready for my show, I decided to run t3 for the first time and after all of the research and talking to other guys at the gym I decided on 100mcg ED. 4 weeks in, my heart one day after lunch just started going crazy and...
  4. neonlizard

    Looking for a name for my supplement store.

    Thanks guys. The funny thing is, the name Supplement Shack did cross my mind last week, maybe it's a sign.
  5. neonlizard

    Looking for a name for my supplement store.

    I'm looking for something that will appeal to everyone. At first I was thinking something along the lines of X-treme Supplements but then I'll scare away all the older folks who want general wellness supplements and vitamins ya know?
  6. neonlizard

    Looking for a name for my supplement store.

    Hey guys, it's been quite some time since I've posted on here. I'm opening my own supplement store next door to a local gym in the coming months and I still don't have a solid name. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance guys! Now, if only I could sell IGF-1 at my store without pissing anyone off :-)
  7. neonlizard

    Fake Jack3d off eBay, WTF?

    Paypal made everything alright :-) lol, I've seen counterfeit coach bags, peptides, gear, etc. But fake Jack3d! Haha, anything for a buck I guess.
  8. neonlizard

    Fake Jack3d off eBay, WTF?

    Man, so I ordered some Jack3d off of eBay and I'm stoked about the $26 price. WELL, it comes in the mail and the plastic is a little off white compared to the pure white container from the store. The label is slightly crooked, so I get suspicious immediately. I said what the heck and open it up...
  9. neonlizard

    CJC/GHRP Peptide cycle log with dosages and Photo Reviews

    Thanks man! I shrunk up b/c of a bout of mono before this but this got me right back on track. It's crucial to time your meals properly which can be kind of tough. Makes for alot of excuses as to why you're dying of hunger but aren't eating for 30 minutes, lol. Anyway, hope the log was helpful.
  10. neonlizard

    CJC/GHRP log.

    Thanks man! I shrunk up b/c of a bout of mono before this but this got me right back on track. It's crucial to time your meals properly which can be kind of tough. Makes for alot of excuses as to why you're dying of hunger but aren't eating for 30 minutes, lol. Anyway, hope the log was helpful.
  11. neonlizard

    CJC/GHRP Peptide cycle log with dosages and Photo Reviews

    Beginning and end pics. Good combo IMO, but you be the judge. 72 days from start to finish.
  12. neonlizard

    CJC/GHRP log.

    Beginning and end pics. Good combo IMO, but you be the judge. 72 days from start to finish.
  13. neonlizard

    IGF For Females

    Haha. Awesome. Yeah, my girl it's like she changed her nationality. Normally fair skinned can't tan and now shes got olive skin and getting lean with the IGF too. I'm a fan!
  14. neonlizard

    MuscleChemistry IGF For Females

    Haha. Awesome. Yeah, my girl it's like she changed her nationality. Normally fair skinned can't tan and now shes got olive skin and getting lean with the IGF too. I'm a fan!
  15. neonlizard

    IGF For Females

    Girlfriend is diggin' the IGF :-) On a side note, the Molanotan II made my face look super dirty so I quit taking it yesterday, may start back up at a lower dose once this "cleans up."
  16. neonlizard

    MuscleChemistry IGF For Females

    Girlfriend is diggin' the IGF :-) On a side note, the Molanotan II made my face look super dirty so I quit taking it yesterday, may start back up at a lower dose once this "cleans up."
  17. neonlizard

    CJC/GHRP Peptide cycle log with dosages and Photo Reviews

    54 days, up 18 lbs. Not pumped in this pic but oh well.
  18. neonlizard

    CJC/GHRP log.

    54 days, up 18 lbs. Not pumped in this pic but oh well.
  19. neonlizard


    Agreed. Although, I was referring to the fact that you will not have the option but to pay for "insurance" for yourself and basically anyone else who can't afford it on their own. Distribute the wealth. It's wrong.