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  1. M

    Melting Point

    The best way too tell if the powder you have is genuine is by melting point. For people with lots of money too spend you can buy a melting point apparatus (about 1000$) I can let you know where too buy one. If your not into spending all that money all you need are a few items and a keen eye...
  2. M

    Gear in freezer?

    Yes It can, as I'v seen it happen. The best place too keep it is a cool dark place. In chemistry often you place a solution in ice or a freezer too induce crystalization. As the temperature goes down the solvent looses its solibulizing capabilities. Specially with these home brewed steroids...
  3. M

    post tren breakout

    tren,and deca allways give me acne( red bumbs like previously stated). The only other product that gives me acne is HCG. What helped for me is a combo of 750mg of B5(panthotenic Acid), Multiple showers a day, and tanning. Now as for why this happens? Possibly due to nan and trens being very...
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    Quick question about overheating

    The color change is due too decomposition, dimerisation or polymerization kinda like a toast which you forget in the toaster, becomes black. Chemical changes have taken place. I doubt its the oil the has decomposed. In my opinion Its probably still good but some of the product has been destroyed...
  5. M

    Test E question

    Could be a small impurity; sometimes the smallest amount of impurity can color a product. I'v seen it first hand. When you took the Melting points did they both melt over the same range. Sometimes same products will both melt at the same temp but if one melts over 2 degC and one over 3degC you...
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    How to make Clen inject

    In jecting it is useless as it has the same bio availability injected as it does orally. I understand people who make it into a solution as it is much safer too dose but as for effect there os NO diffrence between IM or Oral Unless you put it in a veine the you will get instant effects. Also...
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    Need oral stan, have BB, BA, PEG200, PG, ETOH 75% -ANY IDEAS?

    you don't need too counteract prolactin when using Stanazolol
  8. M

    Holy Prop Pain!!!

    2 words HOT COMPRESS
  9. M

    Got Deca?

    Must be real hot where you are. Deca should be a solid at room temp It starts to become an oily past around 33degC. and should be melted around 37degC Anyways, Enjoy
  10. M

    10 grams of masteron

    just like most oil conversions --> use 5%BA and 10%BB and Make the concentration @ 100mg/ml
  11. M

    Distinguishing powders

    If you can take a melting point Tadalifil melts at 301-302degC and Proviron melts at 204-205degC Thats a big gap. Very easy to determine.
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    pill press-what do I need for my tabs?

    Your main filler will be SMC (Silicified microcrystalline cellulose). Your lubricant will be a mix of Stearic Acid and Magnesium Stearate 2:1 respectively. Now you want to use 1% of the total weight of the final tablet or mix Say you want to prepare 1kg of powder to be pressed you want your...
  13. M

    Mesterolone powder consistency

    Should be a crystaline solid with a Melting Point of 203.5 - 205.0 degC
  14. M

    deca or test e !

    You could defferentiated them by melting point but it might be difficult because Test E. melts at 36-37.5 degC and Nandrolone Dec. melts at 32-35 degC You could take a little (few mg) of each powder, place each pile on a metal plate (ie Alluminum plate) and heat them up very slowly with the...
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    Big Pharma Ingredients

    Yes Cottonseed oil is used. I’ve used gear which was prepared with it. Most vegetable oils are fine as long as they are USP, BP etc grade. (USP: United state Pharmacopoeia, BP: British Pharmacopoeia) The problem with the use of sesame seed oil and peanut oil is that many people have allergy; too...
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    Ethyl Oleate

    Presser what steroid are you injecting with the EO?
  17. M

    insomnia on drol?

    I had insomnia in my last 2 cycles. T prop 100 EOD, Eq 500mg/wk and winstrol 50mg IM per day. It got worst when I added the winstrol for 6 of the 12 weeks
  18. M

    How much oil per muscle group?

    Quads 23G/25G 1" 3CC Glute 23G/25G 1 1/2" 3CC Delt 25G 1" 2CC Chest 25G 1" 1.5CC Triceps 25G 1" or 5/8" 1CC Bicep 25G 1" or 5/8" 1CC Thats about all I'v done Of course Chest bi's and tri's shots depend on your size If there smalle-medium 5/8" large 1" but volume can stat the same. I have...
  19. M

    Whats your magic number for Eq?

    500mg EQ and winstrol 50mg/day gave me very good results. You can shoot Eq once a week No Prob. Its one of the longest esters so once a week is good.
  20. M

    heating oil

    Use the oil/EO mix to make your injectable (IE mix powder, BA, BB, EO, Oil) Allow to disolve (you can apply a little heat if it dosent dissolve well) Filter through syringe filter into vial then Pasterise in the oven at 250F for 20-30min Hope that helps Madchem