Whats your magic number for Eq?

Ive ran Eq at 400,500,600 with half decent results still thinking I need MORE. Do you recommend 800/week?
Proposed cycle.
750mg Test E 14 weeks
800mg Eq 14 week
Throw some winny in there somewhere, some IGF too!!!

Also, can I do that Eq once per week? I have 400mg/ml Eq split my Test up on Mon, Thurs, and just shoot 800mg/Eq on Wed or so?
I like 600mg a week of EQ with very good results. Keeping your levels stabile throughout the week is what helps keep sides at bay and maximize results so I would go with 600mg a week and shoot it twice a week. Some people have problems with doing other compounds at higher doses than their test but I haven't been one of them but keep it in mind. Watch your BP and get your cardio in to maximize the RBC count.
500mg EQ and winstrol 50mg/day
gave me very good results.

You can shoot Eq once a week No Prob. Its one of the longest esters so once a week is good.
you can shoot it once a week but if you've got 400mg/ml and you want to go with 600mg I'd just shoot 3/4 of a ml twice a week instead of trying to shoot it all in one day, that's just my opinion.
600 is a decent number. You just gotta remember that you're not going to get any huge gains off of it. It's great for lean vascular gains, but you gotta watch your rbc count as mike said and bp.
600 is seeming to be the number for me so far. I know many say you don't get much in the way of gains from eq, but I'd say that some people respond very well to it, and I'm one of them. It kicked in for me a couple of weeks ago, and I can only say: DAMN! I'm lovin it! bp hasn't really been a problem either. Definitely have to be running it with a test base though. That's probably why I've had such good results with it so far.
I've been at 600 for the last 12 weeks. I'll be bumping up to 7-800 next time.
the gains aren't huge but they're keepable, slow and steady wins the race in the long term. Long term quality muscle is why I love EQ so much, I've gone up to 800mg a week but I didn't notice any difference than being on 600 so it's hard to say what each person will respond to.
Ill probably just end up using 600mgs of Test and 600mgs of Eq with some winny. What would be good to kick start this cycle with? Cardio is out of the question... Im a UPS driver, I lift in the morning and crash at night, too tired for cardio.
i like it at 600 too i would say tbol bro have you tried that yet. It gives killer strength gains with no bloat at all. I loved it.
If your using oral winstrol then you could do that the first 4-6 weeks, but your prob. doing injectable winstrol so you could go with t-bol or anavar in my opinion.
600 was crap for me. 400 was practically zero gains (minus the test I was on)

I will do 800mg/wk next time if I even bother with it again.
i started with 600mg then went to 900mg and seen a big differents in the gym and my vascularity is crazy,,, ive been there sense jan. dont plan on changing anytime soon. i just wonder how 1200mg would be.....
Southern Comfor said:
Ive got a TestE/Eq combo!!! 250test/300Eq... will prolly shoot 1.2ccs 2x per week which comes out to 600test/720eq Hows that look?
Not cool, your EQ shouldn't be higher than the Test or you'll run into problems.
600mg/week here was always the best.. i will say I've used EQ as a 'mixer' before... twice a week was always the norm, but if I found that I had another product that hurt, I'd get a 50mg/ml EQ, and use a cc/ml of that with whatever else needed mixing to minimize the pain... so i'm sure i've done 800.. but only on when i had a ton of a shots per week...