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  1. T

    Testosterone Pellets???

    Hello everyone, 50 yo and have been on TRT for 7 years @ 200mg per week. (test cyp). Total T runs around 500-600. New Doc wants me to try BioTe pellets. Says he'd like to get my levels up to 1500-2000. Wow!!! Don't know anything about the pellets other than they're not covered by my insurance...
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    Testosterone Pellets???

    Hello everyone, 50 yo on TRT for the last 7 years. Test cyp 200 mg per week. New Doc wants me to try BioTe pellets. Says he'd like to get my total T around 1500-2000 with the pellets. Old Doc panicked when I got above 500 total. Any thoughts on this product, haven't did any research yet. Oh...
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    TRT Blood Work Abnormal

    Need advice on test results. I'm 49 y/o and have been on 200 mg cyp weekly for 4 yrs. Testosterone levels range from 400-900, right in the normal range, however my blood work from recent test shows levels elevated to 930 and hemoglobin @ 17.3. I received a call from docs office saying that I...
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    Celebrex Info

    Does anyone have any info on Celebrex? Ortho Doc has prescribed it for my chronic shoulder pain due to arthritis and bone spurs. Didn't advise surgery for the spurs (unbelievably) account the benefits would be minor. Doc says that heavy lifting (no more than body weight) should be avoided. I've...
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    Shoulder Pain (AGAIN!!!!!!)

    Update from Ortho Doc... told me that my shoulder pain was due to arthritis. Gave me a shot of cortisone in the posterior shoulder into capsule. Also said that heavy weights should be avoided, (no more than body weight). WTF, needless to say after reaching my pr, I'm not going to stop with heavy...
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    Shoulder Pain (AGAIN!!!!!!)

    Brief history------Had surgery in 2009 for a torn labrum. Did physical therapy for 6 months following. Started lifting again 10 months post surgery. Slow steady gains came. Started on 200 mg cyp 1yr post surgery. No problems until recently after hitting pr of 315. Shoulder has been killing me...
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    What is your favorite multi vitamin

    <tbody> Uberday Men's Multivitamin, Superior and Optimum Quality Men's Dietary Supplement Health and Beauty Sold by Topquest Vitamins Condition: New <tbody style="vertical-align: bottom;"> </tbody> $29.95 </tbody> Anyone know anything about these? I've been looking for a good...
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    Fish Oil: Boosting the Athlete's Immune System for Fighting Cancer and Viruses

    Any suggestions on which fish oil sup is best? And dosage?
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    Injection Site Issues

    Thanks for the advice. Will try it next time. Get a little shakey moving pin around.
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    Injection Site Issues

    I've been injecting regularly now for quite some time. The last 2 times I've injected, i get some drops of dark colored blood when I aspirate the pin. Using a 22 gauge 1 1/2" IM to the glute. Anyone know whats going on. Tired of re-sticks. Thanks
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    Snuff vs. E-cigs

    Thanks for the input from all. Wish I were addicted to squats as much as nicotine.
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    Snuff vs. E-cigs

    Quick question to all- I've been a long time user of smokeless tobacco (30yrs) and have recently heard of a new thing called "Vaping" as an alternative to cigs and snuff. Anyone know about this.? Supposedly the product only has 4 ingredients - propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, natural...
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    Shoulder PAIN !!!!

    Actually 85 is the year I graduated HS. Feel better now than I did at 28. Getting old and fighting it every day.
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    Shoulder PAIN !!!!

    Doesn't hurt while doing the throwing motion. The toss does when raising arm to the parallel position. Also, while arm is extended straight out parallel with palm up, if I try and press down with other arm, no pain. If I rotate palm facing down and press down with other arm the pain is there on...
  15. T

    Shoulder PAIN !!!!

    Your correct BigZ, no impact or fall. The only thing I did diff in workout was an increase in bench press. Nothing dramatic either (20lb increase for 2 reps). So close to reaching personal goal. The pain CH3NO2 described in his post is almost identical to mine. Trying to stay away from doc for...
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    Shoulder PAIN !!!!

    Thanks for the advice CH3NO2. Guess I'll live with it. Hurts like hell though.
  17. T

    Shoulder PAIN !!!!

    Wow. What about other exercises? Back, bi, shoulders. Should I lay off them too for while and for how long?
  18. T

    Shoulder PAIN !!!!

    Quick question to all: I have had a terrible pain in shoulder for 4 days now. Did nothing out of the ordinary while lifting. Pain began the day after chest workout. Did the usual stuff - bench press, incline db press, decline db press, incline db flies, weighted dips. Went a little heavy on...
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    Dosage advice

    Thanks for the advice Iron & Dude. Looking hard at IGF. Did a little research on site about it, seems to be some confusion on how to figure dosage amounts with diff pins. Still not clear on what this stuff actually is. Maybe someone can clarify for me. Only supps I'm currently on are creatine...