Search results

  1. BuffBiggr

    AAS, TEST & Benzo's (Klonopin/Zanex)

    not sure but seems like anything to relax or rest the body or rem sllep i thought was good but i do know id love to find some reputable regular thing too
  2. BuffBiggr

    vals n bars which one suits u

    hey guys me iv got to have something to take the edge off the workout bc i amp up so hard and go beast mode on the weights but xanax seem to do me better how bout you pm me
  3. BuffBiggr

    Thank you Muscle-Depot

    fuck yeah MD stay down thanx for everything - - - Updated - - - fuck yeah MD stay down thanx for everything - - - Updated - - - fuck yeah MD stay down thanx for everything
  4. BuffBiggr

    USPS Question...

    thats some real bullshit - - - Updated - - - thats some real bullshit - - - Updated - - - thats some real bullshit
  5. BuffBiggr

    Tips on finding a new source

    Amazing once again try walmart theyv got everythng u need and no customs
  6. BuffBiggr

    Biotech pharma pictures (real of fake)

    Ive had their supertren 150, and the sus250, and the deca300 and all three were awesome
  7. BuffBiggr

    {Hyperthyroid and Anxiety disorders } anyone elses trainning affected by these

    hey guys buffbiggr here ive been training on and off for about five years always had a hard time gaining any weight i mean i was 5-10 160 up until 30yrs old. come to find out i have hyperactive thyroid and my metabolism is unbelievable fast for years people thought i had a tape worm, nope just...
  8. BuffBiggr

    A Nation of Pussies

    Completely agree Ive got identical twin boys 4yrs old and not once ever have they watched wwf or any mma events but holy shit these boys are some how well trained in submissions,choke holds,wrestling moves and sparring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh yeah needless to say wtf how did they learn that stuff...
  9. BuffBiggr

    EQ 1000mg/ml No pussies allowed

    cant be possible in a 10ml just not or is it suppose to be used on your pancakes "No pussys allowed! All idiots allowed and we welcome suckers"
  10. BuffBiggr

    cell phone tracking

    ha i was like im gonna f this b up good one
  11. BuffBiggr

    New Cell Phone...

    personally im pissed my wife traded our androids for iphones i dont like the one button control go with the android
  12. BuffBiggr


    would that make your stomach shrink