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  1. DEE151

    Contest Time... come play and post and try to win some good this contest is in my subforum under privet / public area right below were are banner is for Nexxtec.
  2. DEE151 New Sponsor. Check out our store and our forum here.

    we are in the Private & Public Forums : the link to are site, just click the banner or the link in my sig. WWW.NEXXTEC.NET
  3. DEE151 New Sponsor. Check out our store and our forum here.

    You can check us out in the privet sub forum, I left it public so every one can check it out or post your questions or reviews there.
  4. DEE151

    pure oils

    so dienolone acetate is like a tren right? so witch one on there site is test? to stack with this?
  5. DEE151

    pure oils

    just want to double check, is pure oils all oral's PH?
  6. DEE151

    DEE checking in

    hello guys just checking in.. good looking site....