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  1. K

    Is anyone an expert on DNP?

    bingo Presser hit it on the head. I was reading this entire thread and thinking that these are the issues of someone who is anorexic or has major self-image issues. I'm not trying to be mean or rude, I'm trying to tell you the facts. I put myself in an inpatient center for...
  2. K

    6 weeks out, need a little recommendation

    thanks for the info everybody. Presser- yes I do have a prep coach, and I have always followed his advice, but I just wanted to see what other thoughts were out there on the issue. My thought is that you can never have too much information, but you just have to use certain information to the...
  3. K

    Donating blood while on cycle

    I donate blood usually every 8 weeks on cycle. The paper I fill out asks me about anabolic steroids, but as others stated, the amount drawn is very, very small. I had a friend who got a blood clot in his lung while on cycle because his rbc was too high, which scared the shit out of me. So...
  4. K

    6 weeks out, need a little recommendation

    Hey guys, I'm 6 weeks out from my 2nd physique show. 185 lbs, 6 ft., 6% bf. Right now I'm running 1 gram of test cyp a week (pin E3D), 50 mg tren ED, and I'm adding 50 mg winny. My question is, I have enough winny for a solid 4 weeks, should I start on Saturday when i'll be 6 weeks out, or...
  5. K

    Acne off cycle

    All I can say is that you want to do everything you can not to go on Accutane. I started my first cycle over 2 years ago and had the worst side effects a person could possibly dream of. cystic acne, everywhere. It was so bad I had to go on Accutane, prescribed from the derm. for 6 months. If...
  6. K

    What to pack for night before show?

    Hey guys, quick question on what to pack before you leave your place for a show. First show coming up and want to be prepared. Any kind of list anyone could put together would be really helpful. Just don't want to forget something and regret it. Appreciate it.
  7. K

    winny or var?

    Thanks for the info guys. Also, being my first show prep, i'm taking the advice of my coach who I trust greatly. Just wanted to run something else by you to be safe. He insists on starting to run the winny 2 w/o @50mg a day then working my way up to 100mg a day as long as sides aren't too...
  8. K

    winny or var?

    Hey guys, Just a quick question about whether to use winny or var leading up to my comp. I'm 4 weeks out right now, coming in nicely, a little over 5% bf. It is a physique show, my first one. I have been using gear for almost 2 years now, never used winny or var because I've never had to to...
  9. K

    Ask your questions here! Fitness, Training, Protocol, etc.

    I'm entering my first show in May. I screwed up bad on my previous cycles and got extremely bad acne and now have scars across my shoulders and back. Like bad scars. Of course, I deserve it for not following correct protocol, but i'm not letting this stop me from getting on stage. My...