Acne off cycle

Harley Rider

New member
I know we all have the ugly problem of acne when on cycle, but how many of you have the same issue off cycle? I'm on my own TRT cause the Drs in my lil rural area are idiots. My acne actually subsides some when I'm on a cycle but as soon as I go back on my cruise, which is usually 200mg test a week, acne seems to show up more. Get it more on my sides & arms than I do anywhere else. Occasionally on my shoulders but not as much.
You need Accutane aka isotretinion and run it for a long time 3 to 6 months and it will get rid of it, it's a very strong compound for drying out skin and loose but for the magic it does it's well worth the sides.
All I can say is that you want to do everything you can not to go on Accutane. I started my first cycle over 2 years ago and had the worst side effects a person could possibly dream of. cystic acne, everywhere. It was so bad I had to go on Accutane, prescribed from the derm. for 6 months. If you are running any orals or liver toxic, you will want to avoid Accutane at all costs. I would try any other outlets possible before going on Accutane. Most doctors won't even prescribe it because its so harsh on the liver, and they have to have a specific license to do so. I'm telling you, it was hell. I'm all clear now (still get some normal zits from test but nothing cystic), but I just don't think its worth it unless you are like me and absolutely going through hell.
I have some accutane & heard it was totally brutal on the liver. I don't have any cystic acne but it sucks not being able to run around without a shirt on. I'm just shocked that my acne gets worse after I've come off cycle when my test dosage is lower than what it does when I'm on cycle. Thinking about just taking the accutane when I'm off cycle once in awhile. Especially during the summer months. Thanks for the info on that