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  1. E

    reconstituding peptides

    Despite what everyone says, you can recon with ba water or aa. If you use aa, then you don't need to refrigerate. Ba recon requires refrigeration. It's total BS that IGF needs to be recons with aa. I'm happy to be proven wrong with factual chemistry, but until then, in my experience, you can use...
  2. E

    Vitargo S2, Insulin Spike and BCAA Absorbtion

    LOL@ MC IGF. Always a plug on this forum. I live in Australia and my IGF is manufactured by a legal/legit compounding pharmacy two suburbs away... when I order using a script from my doctor, my 99% pure gear is delivered the next day. LOL. I'm looking for advice on natty insulin spiking, not an...
  3. E

    Vitargo S2, Insulin Spike and BCAA Absorbtion

    Vitargo is a fast-acting carb, that spikes insulin... ya mix it with BCAAs. The theory is that the natural insulin spike helps the absorbtion of the BCAAs. However, my question is whether a natural insulin spike can be high enough to effectively assist in the absorbtion on the BCAAs?
  4. E

    Vitargo S2, Insulin Spike and BCAA Absorbtion

    Hi Guys... I've been using a BCAA and Vitargo for a couple of weeks now, but not sure if it's a waste of coin or not. I'm taking so much other stuff it's hard to know what's doing what, but I figured, to make the most of all the peps I'm taking (Mod-GRF, Ipam, TB-500, IGF1-LR3, LGD) I should try...
  5. E

    Favorite place to apply IGF

    Faark... I stuck the long head of my tris last night about 40 mins before the gym and baby geezus did I have a pump!! They just exploded during my warm-up sets, then only got bigger. I moved onto bis and they too got so freaking tight. I love this stuff. Tonight I'm jabbing my calves and we'll...
  6. E

    Not Refrigerating IGF1-LR3 in AA

    Hey Guys. I just wanted to share a reply I received from my pep supplier here in Australia. "AA is just used to help break down stubborn peptides into liquid form, it has nothing to do with the preservation of the peptide. Our recipe for the lyophilisation process on LR3 allows it to be...
  7. E

    Favorite place to apply IGF

    Well, so far I've only done pecs (no bruising) and rear delts... awesome pump. I'm working arms tonight so I'll be pinning my triceps pre-wo. Tomorrow I'll be sticking my calves. I'm loving LR3 so far :)
  8. E

    Low back fat

    I always thought the extra fat in this area was the body's way of regulating the temperature of your kidneys and therefore very difficult to get rid of. Have you tried GW-501515? I'll be adding it into my stack towards the end of my cycle. Here's a little read on it, if you haven't already...
  9. E

    4 Day Split vs 5 or 6 Day Splits: Pros and Cons

    I did a 4-day split for many years. Now I do pretty much the same as you... one body part per day in the same order as you too. Like you, I'm in and out in around an hour (I either do abs or calves on alternative days). I use a HR monitor and hit each set once my HR drops back to 130, which...
  10. E

    Not Refrigerating IGF1-LR3 in AA

    Well, I administered 40mcg in each pec last night and had an awesome workout... pecs were really full and (maybe just placebo) I felt stronger than usual. Tonight is shoulders/traps and I'll be jabbing 40mcg in each posterior delt (will be a challenge to get around there though :)
  11. E


    AA doesn't sting much at all.... after test suspension with a 19G it's a walk in the park. Cheers for the replies guys.
  12. E

    Not Refrigerating IGF1-LR3 in AA

    Hmmm... ok. Thanks for the replies guys. I'm a bit confused as to why the bac ruins the solution, but I'll trust in your sage advice. So I'll just apply the 40mcg bi-lat with straight-up AA. Only reason I was mixing with bact was coz peeps keep complaining about how much AA stings. Personally...
  13. E

    Not Refrigerating IGF1-LR3 in AA

    Hi Guys Just after some info on whether it's ok not to refrigerate my IGF once I've mixed it with AA. I'm loading a pin with IGF/AA in the morning so I can administer at work in the afternoon before I hit the gym. I'm diluting with bac in the pin when I jab. So my pin is out of the fridge...
  14. E

    Favorite place to apply IGF

    I've only just started igf and just done sub-Q in the stomach, but I'm going to try pecs today. I stab my gut 3 times a day with mod-grf/ipam + tb500 e3d, so need some new locations. Looking forward to the pump. I'll also be doing rear delts and triceps. What causes bruising... any tips to...
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    Hey man.... yeh, I started off at about 21% bf, so I had some room to give ;) I'm on week 4 of LGD and really liking it. I feel pumped all the time. Not sure what the test levels are like though ...hmmm. I will get it tested at the end (I should've done it at the start) and then 2 months later...
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    I've been running Ipam + Mod-GRF a 150mcg x 3ed (morning, pre-w/o and bedtime) for about 3 months now. I workout hard 5 days a week and would say that the gains are subtle but quality. I've been keeping a diary and will post at some stage. I've lost 7% bf and maintained my starting weight. My...
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    Trying to buy a suit

    I feel your pain. I have 3 wool suits with silk lining sitting in my wardrobe that don't fit anymore. I regularly holiday in Asia (Indonesia especially) and you can get a fully tailored 3-piece suit there, made of pure wool with silk lining for about $120 Australian. I'm heading over to Vietnam...
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    Lingandrol and Cholesterol

    Anyone done a cycle of LGD and monitored your cholesterol? Are there any precautions necessary, or do levels remain relatively stable? Cheers for advice, Elc.
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    sustenon ready jects

    I used to do t suspension bi laterally with an 18G... they'd always get blocked and I'd have to withdraw and re-insert 2 or 3 times to get a ml or two in each side. Killer... but, like others have said, that was my younger days when I was silly. Back OT...