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  1. kkiniaus

    Impressed w/ a chick @ the gym

    Yes we need pics!!! Fkkk that is so strong my max for 5 is 230 and im 5'7...i cant have a little midgy beat me hahaha
  2. kkiniaus

    Lady Question

    Awww how sweet are you two!! My man is the same, never been committed to anyone before me, now he tells me he misses me when i go to work for a few hours even though we train/sleep/eat/live together lol who would have thought. Its such a good feeling though you should go for it!
  3. kkiniaus

    Bodybuilder's Grocery List

    Excellent post! I also add in coconut oil (unrefined) and apple cidar vinegar
  4. kkiniaus

    What do celebrities use to get jacked quick for a movie

    interesting article LOL!!! GH, insulin and specific gear cycle....even chicks (actress/models) use at least gh/var
  5. kkiniaus

    Vitargo S2, Insulin Spike and BCAA Absorbtion

    Agreed! aminos are a must! I personally favour vitago as it sits better than dextrose with me...if you have enough carbs from food pre and post workout meal you wont need to use too much at all - less than 1 scoop per workout (as its pretty pricey)
  6. kkiniaus

    What is your favorite multi vitamin

    Don't go cheap with vitamins as many are not bio available enough for your body ...which means you are just wasting $ and pretty much not absorbing the right nutrients or dosages! I like poliquin best (can get a multi with or without added iron)...have also tried animal pak which is good too.
  7. kkiniaus

    Arnold Presses !!

    The longer time under tension/complexity of course makes it much harder than usual press! Dont think its just the old age haha
  8. kkiniaus

    "Hack Press"

    Depending on foot position you can still get a similar workout, however I find the conventional hack squat easier to get more depth and puts less pressure on hips. Personal preference I think! You can ulter almost any exercise to target the muscle/s your focusing on, sometimes i also do reverse...
  9. kkiniaus

    Why am I stinking so bad during cardio??

    sometimes natural products can make you smell worse than Acetyl L carnatine (especially when taken numerous times a day and when getting excessively sweaty in the gym!) :puke: