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    IGF-1 lr3 the Anabolic Muscle Builder. Better Then HGH

    How about when to inject,where to inject and how much,for a beginner? how long should you run it for?thanks.This is a great article to read also.thank you
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    Peptides and swarms for strength

    What would be best as far as peptides and sarms for strength?Or is there a particular stack anyone could recommend.Im running test,tren and var now.looking for a little extra something.Wanna stay away from the drol and halo.Im 10 weeks out from a powerlifting meet.thanks guys
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    MuscleChemistry IGF-1

    Where can I find a thread on how and where to do injections with this stuff
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    Hard, vascular and grainy - summer is comming

    Last summer I ran a tri blend of test prop,tren ace,masteron 100mg each e.o.d. With anavar dosed at 60 mg a day.threw in liquid clen also.was pretty much 8% b.f. All summer.doesnt matter what you run diet has to be very clean and lots of cardio.
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    Absolutley Ridiculous

    I wanna tongue punch her fart box.oh my god.she is a goddess.
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    Naked Female Bodybuilders

    Dude this is wrong on so many levels.You should name this thread Girls who could snap your dick Yikes
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    Pre-competition cycle

    I woulnt run the anadrol unless you look flat.i would run halo,start 3weeks out 20 mg Ed.its great for contest will give you that grainy look and make you very hard.
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    mass builder pharma

    Has any tried the anadrol yet,was thinking about running it for a few weeks?
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    7 weeks out..need advice?

    A lot of guys will run halo also,great for contest prep,will make your hard as fuck not to mention strog.liver toxic though.4 weeks max run.i love the stuff gives you that grainy look.definetly drop the test prop 10 days out like Presser said you will come in nice and dry.lets see shredded dry...
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    Mother-Fucking…….I.R.S. …...

    They are brutal.always trying to stick it to the middle class.Just trying to make a decent living and Bam they fuck you hard.i paid $ 58k in federal taxes last year and still had to send them a check on 15 April.give me a fucking break.people out there living for free with all the benefits and...
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    IGF-1 Lr3 is more potent for building muscle than HGH. IGF-1 versus Growth Hormone

    Excellent read,as usual Presser has done is homework.your the Bomb dude.
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    Back Training: How to Get the V-Taper

    I do reverse grip rows like Dorian Yates did back in the day along with chins.really gave me the v taper and lengthened my lats.:flex:
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    Insulin dosages in bodybuilding How and Why

    Very important read.great not fuck around with skin if your not gonna follow the proper guidlines.mike Arnold has a great regime to smart and safe and you will be fine. - - - Updated - - - fingers:flex:
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    IGF-1 lr3 aka Long R3 IGF-1 FAQ cycle doses use. Best Peptide IGF-1 lr3

    Thank you presser Thanks for your quick reply.:flex::flex:
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    Big Ramy Recent pic this week

    Man is a beast!
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    Anyone running mk-677 .some interesting reads and findings on pro muscle.was looking for some feedback or even start a thread if there is enough interest.thanks:
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    Desperately want to build muscle and mass! Looking for direction

    Dude,1 word EAT.your diet is crucial to putting on won't grow if you don't eat and it doesn't matter how many compounds you run.and try maybe just doing heavy compound movements like a 5x5 program.train eat sleep grow.
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    "Lean mass / cutting" cycle

    Smarty you can run both,I did no problem and I was running clen and t3.i was running 60 mgs var and 1cc eod of winny with great results.keep your diet clean.with proper diet and cardio you will get shredded.good luck
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    EC Megastack 600 cycle?

    Hey Ron, my last cycle I ran a tri blend of mast,tren ace,test prop,100 mg each with winny and had a great strength was through the roof.for the last 4 weeks I added var 60 mgs a diet consisted of basically fish,chicken,grass fed beef and lots of veggies.i did add some solid muscle...
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    IGF-1 lr3 aka Long R3 IGF-1 FAQ cycle doses use. Best Peptide IGF-1 lr3

    Hey presser,I'm gonna give it a go and run it.for a first time user what would you suggest.i was figuring 50 mcg a if I run it for 6 weeks how many bottles should I order.thank you