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  1. MacGyver

    orbitz labs ethanate???

    Used it a few times. Works decent. They have many esters and different products.....
  2. MacGyver

    NO rec. drug talk at all...

    What if it has to do with a few certain rec drugs and the benefits towards bodybuilding? Still no?
  3. MacGyver

    vet gear

    I've used Ttokyo before and had no complaints. But I go with UG now for the better prices and higher dosages/ml.
  4. MacGyver

    6 monther ???

    I'll share a story with you. I find after about 3 months, I get "tired" of being on my cycle. The constant injections. And I find that I can't out much more weight on after 12 weeks. The most I have done is 4 months. I went in bulking with Sus@500mg and dbol first 4 weeks. Then went into...
  5. MacGyver

    Me last year at the Olympia

    Fantastic pics Lola! I was hoping that you were the one on the left. Welcome to the board. And I'm sure I speak for most of the members here (atleast the male ones) that you wouldn't offend anyone. ;)
  6. MacGyver

    Good Morning MC

    Isn't it a wonderful day? Especially when you are leaving for Acapulco today!!!!
  7. MacGyver

    liquid anti-estrogen product

    Most bro's here go with the board sponsered one. Take a look. Never saw bad complaints here on the board.
  8. MacGyver

    Fake Solvay Equipoise

    Even the box had the dark gray stripes missing. I also think there is something about a symbol being wrong or missing aswell.
  9. MacGyver

    Hiiiii Shuga!!

    So why did you give me the link for the site that you posted them on???
  10. MacGyver

    too tiny for fitness modelling

    Not that we mind you posting in here, but there is a girls forum with female members that would love to help you out if it makes you feel more comfortable.
  11. MacGyver

    too tiny for fitness modelling

    I agree with his second post. For modeling, yes agencies tend to go with taller women. For fitness competition'sI would like to add that I don't feel people judge your height as much as the shape the you are in. If you can train, diet, and eat right, it doesn't matter how tall you are. The...
  12. MacGyver

    GnB is the son of the devil....

    I think there are some questionable bro's in the top ten. I demand a recount!!!!;) ;)
  13. MacGyver

    Please Welcome Madmax!

    Welcome aboard! Did Crank tell you about the mods pic thread yet?;)
  14. MacGyver

    longest tren cycle

    I have ran it 3 times. Two times for 6 weeks each. Last time was for 2 weeks before I started my present cycle of Test and D-bol. I put 7lbs on in 2 weeks with it and was at a dose of 75mg EOD!
  15. MacGyver

    Post Cycle Therapy

    Ask your Doc how many cycles he has done. SOME people use only HCG for their PCT. If you don't like the clmid, use the nolva for 4 weeks at 60mg,40mg, 20mg, 20mg.
  16. MacGyver

    Post Cycle Therapy

    I fyou are running Arimidex, then don't waste your Nolvadex. It is not needed. But run the Arimidex aslong as your clomid. Jump on creatine and glutamine 1 week after your last Test shot. Clenbuterol alternating every other week with Ephedrine will help with cortisol levels in your body which...
  17. MacGyver

    I'm Outta Here...

    Leaving for Acapulco tomorrow for 1 week. Going from -30 Celcius to 32 Celcius. I think that is -20F to 90F. Take care folks.
  18. MacGyver

    Favorite Beer?

    La Fin Du Mond, it means The End of the World. That stuff is so strong and bad tasting but to each their own...
  19. MacGyver

    Blood work help needed!!

    Not sure of the cost because it is free in Canada but I have had my liver values checked and cholesterol levels, blood pressure. I can't remember the other importtant ones.
  20. MacGyver

    Rethinking dosages

    Looks good. I dont' like the idea of running the HCG at the end of the cycle though. I have read some posts were it was found that it can actually raise Estrogen levels. I would stick with it weeks 8 and 16 though. Maybe want to bump it up to 7500iu or 10000iu for those weeks. Goodluck in...