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  1. F

    New Ride

    No hard feelings,just I have had had both and like the Ford better. I will give the Cummins one thing,the fuel consumption is better.Both suffer in the "high cost oil change dept." LOL
  2. F

    New Ride

    You guys did read that part?:D
  3. F

    New Ride

    Nice truck,but a Powerstroke will out do the Cummins anyday of the week.I even have hooked my F-250 4x to a Hummer and drug it all over the place! Dodge is supposed to be changing to a different diesel engine soon,I heard from the grapevine.Don't get me wrong I used to have a Dodge and loved...
  4. F

    Whats the furthest you have gone in defense of your lady?

    Me and my girl left the club one night and as she as getting in the truck her door bumped his ca door.He started cussing her and she just tried to ignore him.I guess that made it worse and he pushed her down.I guess the entire time he thought she was with a chick or something.I came around the...
  5. F

    Getting back from a long injury

    A 300# Tuna for the record Off the record, "I must of been drunk or sleeping to sleep with that big ass woman" :D
  6. F

    Getting back from a long injury

    Cool,and thanks for the welcoming !
  7. F

    Getting back from a long injury

    Thanks bro,what happened to gearedup and napalm?? I don't see any post from them,they helped me out alot when I first came here. Anyway,I am getting back into shape hopefully.
  8. F

    Heres a couple pics of me.. beware of the booty..

    :thumbsup: My goodness girl,what did your momma feed you?? :D Looks like whatever it was,it hit all the right spots! I guess I was too late to see the real good nude pics? You could always PM them to me(hint,hint):rolleyes: Looking good,keep up the good work.
  9. F

    Do you watch porn.....

    We make our own,what is funny we taped some other stuff on the same tape! I guess you know the rest of the story?OOPS!
  10. F

    Getting back from a long injury

    Hi all! Alot hads changed since my last visit!:thumbsup: Great job Presser! I hurt my knee back in June and then hurt my elbow in December.So to say the least my gains are gone.My stats were>> 29 yrs old 5'10" 192 10-12% BF The injury came when I was about 4 weeks into a bulk cycle of 500mg of...
  11. F

    Anyone been to Cancun, Mexico?
  12. F

    What does everyone do?

    I go offshore fishing and wrestle big fish.
  13. F

    What to do with all this gear???

    No this is my second cycle.. the first cycle was sus/deca and had good gains ... gained about 18 #'s and dropped BF by 2-3 % .... I was just wanting opinions of cycles. I want to bulk this winter and cut this spring.
  14. F

    What to do with all this gear???

    thanks bros , but I also got to see Hurricane Isidore up close and personal while I was there. Saw about three other non-Mexican bros in the shop I was in. Anybody every run Proviron?
  15. F

    What to do with all this gear???

    I just got back from south of the border, and got some great gear. I need some opinions on how I should run it. 50cc bottle of QV Ent test 250mg/cc 2 50cc bottles of QV Deca 200mg/cc 20cc's of QV EQ 200mg/cc 100 D-bol tabs 10mg 60 tabs of clomid 60 tabs of Proviron 30 tabs of Novaldex I...
  16. F

    tanning bed ?'s

    Presser...... I have a bed at my house and what I do is in the last 5 minutes,sit on the side of the bed with my feet on the floor.That also gets the white spots on your back also.Also use the tanning products with tingle factor,I get all my tanning products at wholesale ,so if you need...
  17. F


    what is the best tasting flavor?
  18. F


    I maxed the other day at 315 for 3 reps. I am 5'10" and 190#.